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就像是一个斜坡It's an incline.

走下斜坡。Go down the slope.

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请勿在陡峭的斜坡上刈草。Do not mow steep slopes.

门前的台阶是洗白的斜坡。The steps are a blanched slope.

车子摇晃着冲下斜坡。The car careened down the slope.

坦克正隆隆地开上一个斜坡。The tank was lumbering up a slope.

他走的那条路有一个很陡的斜坡。The road he took had a deep incline.

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他们可以提出任何问题,“这是斜坡?It allows them to ask, “Is this a ramp?

果岭斜坡从前至后向上延伸。The green slopes upward from front to back.

他大踏步朝着教堂在斜坡上走着。He paraded up the incline toward the church.

他的房子在河岸的斜坡上。His house was on the slope of the riverbank.

汽车在斜坡上艰难地行进。The car could hardly get along on the slope.

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滑雪者滑下斜坡,飘逸得像一只鸟。The skier floated down the slope like a bird.

小狗三步两步的跑下斜坡,迎接自己的命运。It trotted down the slope to meet its destiny.

这斜坡不太陡,你可以走上去。The slope is gentle enough for you to walk up.

杰克跑上一个斜坡,来到了一个凸露的岩石上。Josh runs up an incline to a rocky outcropping.

她不敢骑着自行车冲下陡峭的斜坡。She did not dare to bike down the abrupt slope.

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它的斜坡被认为是人类的禁地。Its slopes were considered off-limits to humans.

斜坡以五十度角向下倾斜。The slope inclines at an angle of fifty degrees.

莉莲正从博物馆那边的斜坡上走下来。Lillian was coming down the ramp from the museum.