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一个萼片,一叶花瓣,和一根荆棘。A sepal, petal, and a thorn.

道路上有荆棘。There are briars in the road.

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这条新路上荆棘丛生。The new path was a thorny one.

冠军之路铺满荆棘。The way to champion is knotty.

心里带着荆棘而歌唱。With its heart against a thorn.

我发现一只鸟为荆棘所刺And I found e bird, sore wounded

我们的周遭都是荆棘与嘈杂声浪。All about us is noise and bramble.

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和多刺的荆棘也差不多。Are the same with prickly brambles.

考虑落在荆棘里的种子。Consider the seed among the thorns.

你怎会知道荆棘丘陵?How did you know about Briar Hills?

荆棘挂住了我们的衣服。The thorns have caught our clothing.

爱情是温柔的,却又像荆棘一样刺人。Love is tender, but thorns like thorns.

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任前方荆棘丛生我们将持之以恒。As we will persevere in front of thorns.

前方即使荆棘丛生。Even if the problems in front of thorns.

生活的荆棘中,我把一朵玫瑰选上。Off life's bramble bush, I picked a rose.

荆棘看上去在他面前消失了。The hedge seemed to disappear before him.

在这两天之中,荆棘树拒绝开花。For two days the thornbush refused to bloom.

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愿你的成功之路少一份荆棘。May your journey to success with less thorn.

我把荆棘当作铺满鲜花的原野。I regarded brambles as field full of flowers.

我愿我的荆棘变成花朵。And I want my thorn transformed into a flower.