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布尔乔亚"是法语bourgeois的音译Bourgeois is a French word.

一种程序,以便音译短信。A program for transliterating SMS messages.

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外国友人们,若有音译不准请不要责怪我。Sudenly, I miss the friends in the other countries.

奔子栏是藏语音译,意为美丽的沙坝。Benzilan, who is Tibetan, which means beautiful Shaba.

“祥巴”,藏语音译,意为木刻版画。Xiangba is the transliteration of woodcut from Tibetan language.

这种音译加意译法更为巧妙。This kind transliterates adds the transliteration law to be more ingenious.

察尔汗“是蒙古语的音译,意思是”盐的世界。Qarhan is transliterated from Mongolian and interpreted as the World of Salt.

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科技英语专业术语的零翻译主要表现为音译和移译。Zero translation of English scientific terms involves transliteration and transference.

但是埃及阿拉伯语的读音则更接近于英语的音译。Instead, the Egyptian pronunciation of his name is the norm for English transliteration.

在佛教术语中,音译术语137个,意译术语764个。In Buddhism terms, there are 137 transliteration terms, and 764 free transliteration terms.

其中音译方法出现较早,同时持续时间也较长。Transliterate a method to appear among them earlier, duration is longer also at the same time.

之后,他成为国王,在英格兰1603雅各书当时音译,并转载于英格兰。After he became King of England in 1603 James' book was then anglicised and reprinted in England.

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音译汉化有各种方式,是音译词规范的基础。Chinese localization of transliteration, which is the basis of standardization, has many methods.

这个样例代码显示任何语言的输入都被音译为拉丁字母并规范化。This sample code shows that input in any languages is transliterated to Latin alphabet and normalized.

“布达拉”音译自古印度梵文,意思是“佛教圣地”。"Bu Tala" is the sound transliteration of ancient Indian Sanskrit, meaning "the holy land of Buddhism".

有些名字在音译过程中受到了损坏,因为原始的非罗马字体丢失,GNR软件能够对这些损坏的名字进行修复。GNR also repairs names that are “damaged” by transliteration because the original non-Roman script is lost.

我们也想把每一个外国国名,按照它的发音,把它们音译成孟加拉文。We had also an idea of transliterating in Bengali the name of each foreign country as pronounced by itself.

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如中国的豆腐,日本的寿司,韩国的泡菜,在英语中都是音译。Food names such as China's bean curd, Japan's sushi, South Korea's Kim chi, all are transliterated in English.

如果我们将音译的成功水平划分为三个层次,是否可以以炒面、豆腐或茶来代表这三个层次呢?If we divide transliterations into three levels of success, will they be as successful as Chow Mein, tofu or tea?

文章还注意到中国网友将"给力"、"不给力"两个词音译成了英语"geilivable"和"ungelivable"。The report also remarked on the English-sounding "gelivable" and "ungelivable," words coined by Chinese netizens.