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他认为我松松垮垮。He thinks I'm too easygoing.

你工作不要松松垮垮。Don't get slack at your work.

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那家公司一直经营得松松垮垮。The firm had been run rather slackly.

我每天穿松松垮垮的衣服上学。I go to school dressed in baggy clothes everyday.

无疑,部分是因为这些用语经常用得松松垮垮。Well, partly, no doubt the terms are often used loosely.

天冷一些的时间,他就在衬衫表面套上松松垮垮的灰毛衣。When it was colder he wore over this a shapeless gray sweater.

一切都松松垮垮,墨守成规,得过且过,隐隐有些老百姓办事的味道。They would muddle on in the old slipshod way of trusting to chance.

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通过切口,脂肪可能会被删除正确的松松垮垮的下眼睑。Through the incision, fat may be removed to correct baggy lower eyelids.

它们能与西装和领带匹配,也能少系点纽扣、松松垮垮地搭配短裤。They can be worn with a suit and tie or untucked and loosely buttoned with shorts.

伊利莎蹲在地上,看着这辆怪模怪样、松松垮垮的马车驶过去。Elisa, squatting on the ground, watched to see the crazy, loose-jointed wagon pass by.

我练滑板的时候开始穿,所有的滑板手都穿得松松垮垮。I started when I got into skateboarding – all the skateboarders wore baggy, low-slung track-pants.

他们会接受一个口袋鼓鼓囊囊、衣服皱皱巴巴、松松垮垮的人的几句赞誉之辞吗?Will they accept these few words of tribute from a pocket-stuffer, a rumpler and crumpler, a bagger?

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灰色的双排口西装在他身上显得松松垮垮的。Hopkins looked thinner than before a bent figure with a gray double-breasted suit flapping loosely on him.

我不想让几个临时军官的松松垮垮破坏了我的荣誉。I do not intend to have my professional reputation compromised by the slackness of a few temporary officers.

这是一件丑丑的毛衣,钉着红色塑料纽扣,领口和袖子松松垮垮地耷着,都可以拿它来跳绳。It's an ugly sweater with red plastic buttons and a collar and sleeves all stretched out like you could use it for a jump rope.

他脸上抹着檀香油,穿一件松松垮垮的丝绸衬衫,一簇三角形的黑色胸毛伸到了外面。His face was smeared with sandalwood, and he wore a loose-fitting silk shirt through which a dark triangle of chest hair stuck out.

夏天,他出门时总是穿著黄色或绿色T恤——前摆被他胡乱地塞进裤子�,后摆松松垮垮地垂著。In the summer he would come out wearing a yellow or green polo shirt stuffed sloppily into his trousers in front and hanging loose behind.

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派席尔用他满是老人斑的手指着,在他卷起袖子露出的前臂下,晃着一条松松垮垮的苍白赘肉。Pycelle pointed with a spotted hand. Where the sleeve of his robe rode up a flap of pale flesh could be seen dangling beneath his forearm.

可是,我在水泥和铁条组成的那间罐子里,没有食物,只喝了一点水,五天之后我的皮肤开始龟裂,衣服也松松垮垮的掉下来。After five days in a concrete and iron-bar tank, with no food and only a few sips of water, my skin was flaking and my clothes were slipping off.

在那些还是黑屏绿字显示的日子里,当软磁盘仍然松松垮垮的时候,计算机不久可能普及大众的想法好像毫无根据。In those days of green-on-black displays, when floppy discs were still floppy, the notion that computers might soon become ubiquitous seemed fanciful.