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地震的消息使我们感到忐忑不安。News of the earthquake discomforted us.

当晚我们忐忑不安的上床睡觉。That night we all went to sleep uneasy.

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所以我怀着忐忑不安的心情入睡。So I harbored an uneasy feeling to sleep.

德拉忐忑不安地从桌上跳下来,走到他身边。Della wriggled off the table and went for him.

夜里,农妇躺在床上,忐忑不安辗转难眠。The farmer went to bed that night feeling troubled.

这些问题令家人和朋友忐忑不安。These problems are very stressful for families and friends.

星期二下午,一名工人说,想到回家的路途就令她忐忑不安。Tuesday afternoon, one worker said she was dreading the commute home.

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那些忐忑不安的商贩们在安全化妆品竞选活动中再次名列其中。The fear mongering folks at the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics are at it again.

大自然母亲给予了我们粉刺,但我们对它的出现忐忑不安。Mother Nature gave us pimples, and then she made us self-conscious about them.

学生们忐忑不安,家长们也是。但从某种程度上讲,学生必须得学习教训,Students get upset. Parents get upset. But at some point, students have to learn,

最近几个月来,阿拉伯世界的剧变已经让官方变得忐忑不安。In recent months, upheaval in the Arab world has made officials even more nervous.

可现在他第一次变成了个温柔、羞怯、忐忑不安的追求者。And now, and for the first time, he was a suppliant, tender and timid and doubting.

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老师转身走了,我忐忑不安的心平静下来了,我不明白老师所笑何意。The teacher turned to go, my heart uneasy calm down, I don't understand what teacher's smile.

在牛顿自己的家里,我试图就牛顿为题来进行演讲,是有些忐忑不安的。It is with some diffidence that I try to speak to you in his own home of Newton as he was himself.

2006年我来到衢州,当时对自己作为一名教师是否成功我感到忐忑不安。I came to Quzhou in 2006 feeling terrified about whether or not I would be successful as a teacher.

要进入生命中又一个新的十年,我对此感到忐忑不安,担心自己最美好的岁月已经离我远去了。I was insecure about entering a new decade of my life and feared that my best years were now behind me.

扮演海绵宝宝,努力通过一系列的令人忐忑不安的小型游戏去找回被盗的原料!SpongeBob SquarePants play, through a series of mini- games is anxious to get back the stolen material!

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快到月底了,验收的时间要到了,我的忐忑不安也没有办法让这个词的排名重新上升。Approaching the end, the acceptance of time to come, there is no way my uneasy to re-position the word up.

西方人看到民主让位于穆斯林原教旨主义者,感到忐忑不安。Westerners are apprehensive as they see secular-minded democrats losing ground to Islamic fundamentalists.

我垂头丧气、忐忑不安,躲开可怕的窗口,缩在座位角落里。Shattered, trembling, I huddled in the distant corner of the seat, as far as possible from the fearful window.