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另一种是障碍赛马。and the show jumping.

那种赛马彩票还买吗?Enter for that sweepstake?

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这是一声竞争十分激烈的赛马。It was a nip-and-tuck race.

皇家赛马会是一个赛马比赛。Royal Ascot is a horse race.

那匹栗色马轻易地赢了那场赛马。The sorrel easily won the race.

他在赛马中输掉了600美元。He lost 600 dollars at the race.

他们所有的钱都在赛马中输光了。They raced all their money away.

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这人的个子很小,像一个赛马的骑手。This one’s small, like a jockey.

他在赛马赌博中下大赌注。He gambled heavily on the horses.

他将饲养赛马当作一种爱好。He has bred racehorses as a hobby.

我没见过一名球员或一匹赛马。I saw no ballplayer, no race horse.

我没见过一名球员或一匹赛马。I saw on ballplayer, no race horse.

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他把赌注只押在一匹马而不押在其余的赛马上。He bet on one horse against the field.

我原来一直想的是投资赛马。I had been thinking about a racehorse.

那赛马骑师体重为80磅。The jockey turned the scales at 80 lb.

如果你去看赛马比赛,And if you go and see the horse trials,

与安大略赛马业协会合作是应时的举动?Partnering with OHRIA is a natural fit.

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他在赌赛马上花了很多钱。He spent too much money on horse racing.

在赛马中你输了多少钱?。How much money did you lose at the races?

这些赛马来自优良的马种。These racehorses come of excellent stock.