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水道壅塞。The waterway is blocked up.

这条水道在这里变浅了。The channel shallows just here.

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雨水积聚在排水道里。Rain water collected in the drainpipe.

三组住宅由水道分开。The blocks are separated by waterways.

把这些理论都冲到下水道里去吧!Flush all those theories down the drain.

任何水道桥、高架桥、桥梁或隧道。Any aqueduct, viaduct, bridge, or tunnel.

所有可以通航的水道都已在海图上标出来。The navigable channels have all been charted.

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溪在硬石中侵蚀成一条水道。The stream eroded a channel in the solid rock.

就象在大泽里一样,潜水员也能在下水道里失踪。As in the ocean, the diver may disappear there.

喜剧就是你掉进污水道里死了Comedy is when you fall in an open sewer and die.

斗兽场甚至可以利用输水道引水。The Colosseum even may use the waterway pilot. A.

在下水道里发现了大约有10只的鲶鱼。About 10 catfish were found swimming in the sewer.

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喜剧就是你掉进污水道里死了”Comedy is when you fall in an open sewer and die."

是荒漠中漫长水道的守护者?A guardian of long-distance conduits in the desert?

不允许把化学品蔓延到下水道的分格中。Do not allow chemicals to creep into the sewer grid.

这条河流的水道原来很不规则。The course of this river used to be quite irregular.

百分之四十的河川水道已变得不可饮用。Forty percent of the waterways have become undrinkable.

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我们已经禁止养牛,还修复了100公里老水道。We have banned cattle and restored 100km of old waterways.

请保留在MIV上游管的设备用于水道的排污。Pls keep provision on MIV upstream pipe for penstock drain.

留出所有的气缸孔、水道孔、气门孔和气缸盖螺栓孔。All cylinder, water, valve, and bead-bolt openings are cut out.