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这伙强盗胆大包天,竟把银行抢了。The bandits pulled off a daring bank robbery.

从来就没有胆大包天的英雄好汉。There never was a hero who did not have his bounds.

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这些胆大包天的斯堪的纳维亚人就不知道个“度”吗?IS THERE any limit to the audacity of Scandinavians?

她胆大包天的径直骑了过来,大人,要求和你说话。She rode up bold as you please, m'lord, demanding words with you.

这男子胆大包天,居然在中午光天化日下偷钱。The man must be as bold as brass to have stolen money at mid-day.

一旦有人撑腰,这帮家伙就变得胆大包天。Now that they were backed up, these fellows became audacious in the extreme.

我从没见过这么胆大包天的小偷。他大摇大摆地进来,拿了珠宝,而后若无其事地离开。I've never seen such a bold thief. He waltzed in , took the diamonds and waltzed right out.

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你胆大包天在澳大利亚抗议中国政府,说政府贪污腐败。You are so bold in Australia protesting against the ChineseGovernment and saying the Government is corrupt.

这对胆大包天的夫妇是来自弗吉尼亚州北部的塔里克‧萨拉希和妻子米夏埃拉,在当地马球界有点名气。The dare-devil couple are Tareq and Michaele Salahi from North Virginia, who are quite famous in the local polo community.

倘若社会组织得规范,使一个男人变成胆大包天的恶棍的品质能量,同样也可把他变成社会有用之材。The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful in society, had that society been well organized.

这本回忆录确切的显示了身为副总统,切尼如何能够胆大包天、胡作非为。Mr Cheney's new memoir, despite its breezy self-justification, does little to dispel that notion, showing exactly how a vice-president can run amok.

位于亚利桑那州的餐厅有巨型汉堡,奶昔和猪油炸薯条在它的不健康菜单上,这位带有传奇色彩的人物因提倡那胆大包天的餐厅而闻名。The larger-than-life character is famous for promoting the gut-busting restaurant in Arizona with its unhealthy menu of huge hamburgers, milkshakes and fries cooked in lard.

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据美联社报道,美国亚特兰大两名警官胆大包天,竟利用警局的计算机调查总统奥巴马的犯罪记录。Authorities are investigating 2 Atlanta-area police officers accused of using government computers to run a criminal background check on US President Barack Obama, AP reported.

我家楼下超市老板娘家里的老猫生了4只小猫,上周五,有只胆大包天的老鼠,竟然冲进猫窝,把小猫咬死了两只,咬伤了一只。My house downstairs supermarket boss home old cat gave birth to 4 kittens, last Friday, there is only the mouse audacious in the extreme, even into the cat, the cat killed two, bite a.

剧本中,安纳金最初的登上“恶毒”号的计划包括一个胆大包天的超空间小跳跃,把“曙光”号放到离敌舰外壳只有几厘米的地方。In the script, Anakin's original plan to board the Malevolence included a foolhardy hyperspace micro-jump that would have deposited the Twilight just centimeters away from the enemy ship's hull.

突击队刚在鹰堡附近空降,报务员就被杀死,到底队伍里谁是内奸,带队的史密斯少校策划了一个胆大包天的计划,终于让内奸现形。Commando just eagles near Fort airborne troops, and radio operator was killed in the end who is the traitor ranks, Major Smith led the planning of an audacious plan, finally traitor betray oneself.

我们前两周去度假时,发现了许多小蚊子。它们把尖尖的嘴巴刺入我们的身体,吸取我们的血液。这些蚊子胆大包天,我们用尽了办法也赶不走它们。Over the next two weeks, as we tried to enjoy our vacation, these monstrous little critters plunged their sharp needles into our bodies, sucking out our blood, defying every effort to chase them away.