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以前东方有个夷人,他很仰慕华夏文明的礼法。In the past a tribal native east of China really admired the rites of China.

甚至还微微鞠了个躬,按照悟空的礼法标准来看,这算是极为尊敬了。He even made a small bow, which is extremely respectful by Wu Kong's standards!

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许多故事包括了无形体的灵魂以及对不合乎礼法的葬礼的警告。Many of the stories involved bodiless spirits and warnings against improper burials.

荀子的君权思想和礼法观可谓中国封建正统法律思想的雏形。The monarchic power thoughts of Xunzi is the embryo of Chinese feudalist law theory.

第三部分探讨女祠堂与宗族礼法之间的关系。The third part explore the relationship between ancestress temple and the clan manners.

比如绣楼,也就是陈家女孩子居住的院落,几乎每一个细节都体现着这种礼法。The Embroidery Compound, for instance, is the residential area for girls, almost following certain rites in all parts.

荀子在百家争鸣中确立的性恶论成为其礼法思想的理论基础。On the other hand, during the contention of a hundred schools of thought, Mengzi proposes that the human nature is born kind.

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从风俗习惯的视角来看,祭奠体现了中国传统礼法文化的核心价值理念-孝。From a custom perspective, sacrifice embodies filial piety, the core value of Chinese traditional law culture-the proprieties.

传统儒学理论、礼法制度与发达的日常生活世界是影响古代中华民族精神化育的重要因子。The traditional Confucianism, the traditional ceremonial system and the daily life world were the important influencing factor.

究其原因,与唐代社会开放、唐人礼法观念较松弛以及女性地位较高有密切关系。This phenomenon owed much to the open Tang society, loose conception of manners and relatively high status of women in society.

透过这些从容于礼法之外的光辉形象,可以触摸到那个时代个性解放的思想脉搏。Through these brilliant figures dodging the social rites, we can touch the thought pulse of the personality emancipation in that era.

只有你将它熄灭,我才能见你??穿过隐秘的门、幽暗的走廊、禁行的楼梯,抛下一切恐惧和如蜘蛛网般繁杂的礼法。When you extinguished it, I came to you─secret doors, dark corridors, forbidden stairs, brushing aside fear and propriety like cobwebs.

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社会礼法在某些社会,象封建时期的欧洲以武力维护的正直、尊严和骄傲的准则,主要对男人而言。A code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among men, that was maintained in some societies, as in feudal Europe, by force of arms.

他反对男权社会的礼法道德,而欣赏、赞美、体贴女性,甘愿做女儿的护卫者。He objects to rules of etiquettes and ethics in the male chauvinist society, but appreciates, eulogizes and cares for the female and volunteers to protect them.

而为了报恩不必受封建礼教对男女交往的束缚,礼法规范被恩报义务所取代。And repaying an obligation that needs not restricted by the feudal ethics of male-female friendships, the norms of etiquette and law was replaced by obligations.

据相关记载,谢安家教的主要内容包括以儒家礼法为核心的“仪范”、子弟的从政态度与能力、玄学清谈及文学艺术等。His education included the bearing based on the Confucian etiquette, the attitude and ability in politics, the idle talk of metaphysics, literature and arts, etc.

血缘人伦与礼法规范的相互作用决定着礼法的价值取向是血缘性的等级秩序与人伦和谐。The reciprocity of consanguineous relation and legal norm determines the value-orientation of the proprieties toward the blood order of classes and ethical harmony.

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以宗法血缘为基础的家庭组织是封建国家的基本结构,封建社会的一整套礼法如“三纲五常”等无不以家庭为基础。The family organization based on patriarchal blood was the basic structure of feudal country. A whole set of courtesies in feudal society were all based on families.

从当代法律解释学这一视域出发,结合传统中国社会之特质,传统中国具备不同于西法意义的“礼法”文化当属自然。Based on this and the traditional characteristics of the Chinese society, it is natural that traditional China had the "rite and law" culture different from the West's meaning.

在作用机理上,主张“天理-礼法-人情”、“天-君-民”的三角互动和“天-君-臣-民”、“己-家-国”的双向互动。They also advocated the two-way interaction between Heaven, monarch, subjects and the common people and the two-way interaction between the individuals, families and the state.