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孩子王和他的孩子们获得了许多欢乐。It's a lot of fun for King and his children.

随着它的发展,孩子王关于父亲的力量的说法是正确的。As it turns out, King is right about dad-power.

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多么美好的夜晚,那一夜,我是孩子王。What a beautiful night when I became a baby king.

他对班里的“孩子王”逸峰有着复杂的关系和感情。He also has a complex feeling for Feng, who is the "childish king".

孩子王便从头教他们认字作文。Then the Urchin Cop teaches them how to spell the words and write a composition.

“我的儿子已经认识到他和他的妹妹玩时不能像跟我玩时那样粗鲁,”孩子王说。"My son has learned he can't play as rough with his little sister as he can be with me, " King says.

终于孩子王因违反教育内容被辞退,继续做他的“老插”。Finally, Urchin Cop violates the educational contents and is dismissed, ending up again as the "Old Cha".

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他的儿子试着适应新家以及新的邻居,不久就成为该处的孩子王。His sons try to adjust to their new home and neighborhood and soon become leaders of the neighborhood gang.

在线世界的人的需求和当孩子孩子王的要求毫无共同之处,所以我必须做出改变。The needs of a cadre of kiddies are nowhere close to those of the online world, and adjustments needed to be made.

听爷爷讲,我小时候就是个很调皮的孩子,甚至于都有点孩子王的脾性。Listen to Grandpa speaking, I was a kid that is a very naughty child, and even a little King of the Children's temperament.

南滚龙村的儿童团团长王二小是个倔强调皮的孩子王。The Wang Er of children regimental regimental commander that Long Cun rolls south is small it is a stubborn and piquant child king.

下班后的傍晚里,常常能发现迈克这个孩子王在起居室里蹲在四个人下面跟孩子们玩骑马游戏。In the evenings after work, Mike King can often be found crouched down on all fours in the living room playing bucking bronco with his kids.

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当孩子王模仿一只罗德奥公牛的动作时,5岁的怀厄特和3岁的艾拉将会爬到他的背上并尽可能久地挂在上面,兴奋地尖叫着。Squealing with excitement, 5-year-old Wyatt and 3-year-old Ella will claw their way onto his back and hang on for as long as they can while King mimics the movements of a rodeo bull.