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我感觉自己体力充沛。And I have lots of energy.

我父亲是一个体力劳动者。My father was a workingman.

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我们以睡眠来恢复体力。We renew our strength in sleep.

我们以睡眠来恢复体力。We restore energy through sleep.

他感到体力渐渐不支。He felt his strength ebbing away.

我们以睡眠来恢复体力。We recover ourselves by sleeping.

他洗过澡之后感觉完全恢复了体力。He felt quite restored after a bath.

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人能在体力比得过汤姆。No one can match up to Tom in vigor.

这病人体力渐减。The patient is diminishing in strength.

我从不为游回保存体力。I never saved anything for the swim back.

记住,浪费动作就是浪费体力。Remenber, wasted motion is wasted energy!

这是一个非常耗体力的剧目。"It's a really physical play, " she said.

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攀岩并不仅仅是体力上的磨炼与考验。Its not just the physical endeavor either.

轻快的按摩能恢复体力。A brisk massage restores the body's vigour.

一个体力劳动者,这就是你以后要当的!A labourer, that’s what you’re going to be!

我自感体力已退化了。I definitely felt a deterioration in vigor.

压力不仅消耗体力而且让你丧失动力。Stress depletes both energy and motivation.

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我想要我的马的身体力都有黑骏马的血统。I want the black horse's blood in my horses.

然而我一定要保持体力,等着把它给宰了。But I must kill him and keep strong to do it.

这是一个时间的休息,恢复体力,并更新。It is a time of rest, refection, and renewal.