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高速道路可是改道建设。The expressway could be re-routed.

知道发大水的那些游客改道走了。The travellers knowing about the floods took another road.

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游客们知道发了大水,都改道走了。The travellers, knowing about the floods, took another road.

这恐怕就是他们改道而行的原因。And probably that was the reason why they changed directions.

车辆改道是因为干道上发生了交能事故。The traffic diversion was due to an accident on the mainroad.

该段改道溪流部分位于北大屿郊野公园内。The diverted stream falls partly in the Lantau North Country Park.

自从河流改道之后,死亡湖盆就没有了稳定的活水注入。Dead Vlei has not had regular water since the river changed its course.

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第103路无轨电车因长安街的整修而改道行驶。No.103 trolleybus was rerouted due to the renovation of Chang'an Street.

转辙器就在旁边,它可以使你让火车改道到岔线去。There's a switch nearby that would let you divert the train onto a siding.

每当我发觉一种消极想法,就会把它挑出来改道。Whenever I uncovered a negative thought, I plucked it out and redirected it.

众多的可以让长江这样的大河改道的工程师。and legions of engineers capable of rerouting giant rivers like the Yangtze.

你不要试图去抗拒消极思想模式,相反,你要让它改道。Instead of trying to resist the negative thought pattern, you will redirect it.

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让消极思想的能量改道流向积极思想。Take the energy of the negative thought and rechannel it into a positive thought.

2009年时,河流已经改道了,没往北弯到1992年那个位置。In 2009, the river has changed course, not curving as far north as it did in 1992.

赣江下游河道在历史上曾发生过多次改道变迁。Gan River lower reaches Stream was divagated and transited several times in history.

想象一下,相对于小型客车来说,要让一辆货运车停止或改道是多么难。Imagine how hard it would be to stop or redirect a freight train compared to a compact car.

保罗之所以改变计划,是因为他相信那是神的旨意要他改道而行。Paul had changed his plan because he believed it was God's will to follow a different path.

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行至天巉路岔口,有路政工作人员在此拦阻大车,要求改道天巉路。When in a fork in the road, a road staff in this arresting carts, require diversion in road.

劫持者企图让这架飞机改道前往开罗,但是埃及拒绝让这架飞机降落。Hijackers attempted to divert the plane to Cairo, but Egypt refused to allow the plane to land.

创建了沟谷泥石流流通沟槽发生改道运动的判断标准。At last, the authors presented the standard to judge debris flow changing its course in grooves.