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我想,回到水潭里就行了。Go back into the pool, I expect.

他饥渴地喝着岩石下水潭中的水。He drank thirstily from the pool under the rock.

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所有人活在叫社会的死水潭,不管你是谁。Whoever lives in billabong, its name is society.

潮水已经退去,他们走过岩石区的潮水潭。The tide was out and they walked among the rock pools.

跳进托基托基加瀑布的深水潭里。Big jump into deep swimming hole, Togitogiga Waterfall.

我选好这样一个低潮的时机,希望能看一眼水潭。Choosing such a tide , I hoped for a glimpse of the pool.

那地区平坦的地面上坑坑洼洼地布满了小水潭。Small bodies of water pockmark the flat face of the area.

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小溪和林中水潭供给饮用水和供解寒用。Streams and woodland pools provide water for drinking and cooling.

小公主两眼紧紧地盯着金球,可是金球忽地一下子在水潭里就没影儿了。The Princess peered into the pool, but her precious ball was gone.

他只配蹲在水潭里,和其他青蛙一起呱呱叫,怎么可能做人的好朋友呢?All he does is to sit in the water with the other frogs, and croak.

庙宇前是用条纹玛瑙砌的净水潭。In front of the temple was a pool of clear water paved with veined onyx.

我躺在水潭边上,用我苍白的手指摩挲宽大的树叶。I lay down beside it, and with my pale fingers I touched the broad leaves.

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他使旷野变为水潭,叫旱地变为水泉。He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into watersprings.

下山后,我们看到山脚下有一个水潭,我们就在水潭里滑小船。At the foot of the mountain, we see a waterhole, we landed in puddle slippery boat.

没有水,道路泥泞,死水潭蚊子孳生”。No water and muddy paths with stagnant pools which bred mosquitoes," Mubarak Ali said.

江水流走春光,春光将要流尽,水潭上月亮晚晚落下,如今又西斜。River flow go Chunguang, spring will be shed, lake down on the moon, and now West Ramp.

月亮峰附近,隆起的泥炭和黑色水潭、酸性水形成有图案的泥炭地。Ridges of peat and pools of dark, acidic water form a patterned peatland near Moon Point.

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表弟吉姆,和我一样大,沿着一条小河,他把我带到一个水潭,声称那是他游泳的天堂。My cousin Jim, who was my age, took me down to his favorite swimming hole along the river.

吉姆尖叫着欢庆胜利,在水潭上的秋千上荡来荡去,荡到弧形摆动的最高点。With a shriek of victory, Jim swung out over the water and up, to the very top of the arc.

在华盛顿州的克拉兰湾的一个随潮汐涨落的水潭里,一只巨大的绿海葵正吞食着一只红巨蟹。A giant green sea anemone eats a red cancer crab in a tidal pool in Washington's Clallam Bay.