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它首先是一部伟大的政治经济学著作。It is a great plutonomy work above all.

黄亚生,麻省理工学院政治经济学教授Yasheng Huang, professor of political economy, M.I.T.

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他们拒不向政治经济学定律顶礼膜拜。They refrained from genuflecting to the laws of political economy.

1920年6月14日,德国政治经济学家、社会学家马克斯·韦伯逝世,享年56岁。German political economist and sociologist Max Weber died at 56 on June 14.

也许在二十一世纪,经过长时间的磨合,人们可以证明这种政治经济学是稳定的。Perhaps plutonomy, in the 21st century, will prove stable over the long run.

中国政治经济学的建立前提是确立科学的方法论。The establishment premise of the Chinese plutonomy is scientific methodology.

对于马克思主义政治经济学应从一个新的视角来加以理解。To the Marxism the plutonomy should try to understand from a new perspective.

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关国光自己画了一张图,颇有“政治经济学”的味道。Him Guan Guoguang painted a piece of picture, have quite " plutonomy " flavour.

夏礼贤1953年出生于德国,在慕尼黑大学攻读政治及政治经济学。He studied political science and political economy at the University of Munich.

尽管这群人很穷,但他们相当了解政治经济学原理,所以他们逮住了小鸟,把它关进了分会大门外的柳条笼子里。So they caught the bird and put it in a little wicker cage outside the lodge door.

有伦敦政治经济学院,它是排名第三还是第四。There's London School of Economics, which is, I think like the third or fourth best.

在大学里,他专修财政学、政治经济学和科学农业。At college, he had specialized in finance, political economy, and scientific agriculture.

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获伦敦大学学院法学硕士学位,以及伦敦政治经济学院法学博士学位。He has a Master of Laws from University College London, and a doctorate in law from the LSE.

学习和掌握政治经济学知识对我们不仅是必要的,而且具有重要意义。Learn and mastering plutonomy knowledge is necessary not only to us, and have important sense.

劳动价值论是科学的理论,是马克思主义政治经济学的理论基础。Labor theory of value is scientific theory, it is the theoretical foundation of Marxism plutonomy.

但是今天我要跟大家谈的是政治经济学领域的最重要的几个方面。But I'm going to speak to you today about the essential dimensions of a political economy approach.

马克思的劳动价值理论是马克思主义政治经济学的基础,马克思赖之以阐明剩余价值的来源和本质。As the cornerstone of Marxist political economy, the theory of labor value should keep up with times.

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政治经济学的理论发展根源于生产力的突破。The theoretical breakthrough of plutonomy originated basically from the breakthrough of productivity.

艾丽丝。阿姆斯丹是一位非正统政治经济学研究专家。Alice Amsden is researcher in the field of heterodox political economy. She is currently the Barton L.

政治经济学要发展,必须解决一些观念问题。Some conceptional issues must be solved to push forward the development of the theory of political economy.