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你看了那些新闻剪报了吗?Did you read the news clips?

我是从一张老旧的剪报中读到这个的。I had read that in an old newspaper clipping.

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附上邮票、抵用券、剪报等。Enclosed are the stamps, coupons, clippings, etc.

在墙壁中心帖的是Lincoln案的剪报。In the center is a newspaper clipping about Lincoln’s case.

我在加州的朋友给我寄来了一些关于你的新闻剪报。My friends in California mailed me some news clips about you.

这是一份禁烟手册上的剪报。This is an unedited clip from an actual anti-smoking brochure.

剪贴簿包含着照片,引证,剪报,和结果。A scrapbook. Include photos and quotes and clippings and events.

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不一会儿,托伊出来了,手里拿着一张巴斯一家报纸的剪报。He returned in a moment with a piece cut out of a Bath newspaper.

我告诉他我想爱尔兰共和军是不会收到有关那些事情剪报的。I told him that I didn't think the IRA would receive mention in the piece.

会准备并分发一份定期电子新闻剪报以及一份电子通讯。The RLI prepares and distributes a periodic Ebulletin and an electronic Newsletter.

网站会要求用户以类似讣告或剪报的形式提供死亡证明。The site will require proof of death, in the form of an obituary or newspaper cutting.

只见房间里的墙壁窗户上每一个角落都贴满了草稿、地图和剪报文章。Every inch of wall and window space is wallpapered with papers, maps and newspaper articles.

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他把报纸回厨房,然后摇了摇头发剪报进了垃圾桶。He carried the newspaper back out to the kitchen and shook the hair clippings into the trash can.

报广告得知贵公司正在招聘人才,本人附寄剪报申请此一职位。In answer to your advertisement in today's newspaper fro a secretary, I wihs to tender my services.

在他大号的床边存放了大堆的新闻剪报和照片,新建和申诉状。Near his queen-size bed he kept stacks of newspaper clippings and photographs, letters and petitions.

几天前我给TRE电邮了这篇在SCMP上出现的文章的全文剪报。I have emailed to TRE some days ago the full newspaper cutting of this article which appeared in the SCMP.

众所周知的是,曾有公民向海外邮寄剪报,结果被中国法庭判以泄密罪名。Chinese courts have been known to convict citizens on secrets charges for mailing newspaper clippings overseas.

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卢修斯寄给德拉科的剪报能有效地使波特和韦斯莱们感到尴尬和恼怒。Lucius sends Draco press clippings which could prove useful in embarrassing or harassing Potter or the Weasleys.

两天后,由于辩解红着脸,她敲开了我的前门,递给我一张泛黄的剪报。Two days later, flushed with vindication, she knocked on my front door and handed me a yellowed newspaper clipping.

象剪报、唱片、盒式录音带、磁带和幻灯片等资料的编目方法是各不相同的。Cataloguing arrangements for materials such as newspaper cuttings, records, cassettes , tapes and slides are various.