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云南大叶种鲜叶制成的晒青毛茶。The raw material adopts fresh and sun-greened big leaf species tea of Yunnan.

黑毛茶的制造工艺分杀青、初揉、握堆、复揉、干燥五道工序。There are five procedures i. e. fixation kneading piling re-kneading and drying.

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采用高效液相色谱法分析南昆山白毛茶嘌呤类生物碱成分。Analyse composition of purine type Alkaloid in Baimao Tea from Nankun mountain by using HPLC.

切细做青叶各主要化学成分含量及其毛茶品质与传统做青叶相近。The content of the main leaf chemical components and the quality of the semi-made tea were very close.

气流控制的空调做青环境的毛茶品质优于密闭空调做青环境的毛茶品质。The quality of Oolong tea made under the blast environment is superior to that made under the other one.

抽针制法为从雾毫或云尖的毛茶中抽取芽尖,拣剔后补火。Pumping system of law needle cents from fog or cloud drawn sharp Maocha bud tip, picking up after the fire tick.

毛茶经再加工压成不同形状的茶叶称紧压茶,亦简称为“砖茶”,是中国最古老的茶类。Compressed tea, also called tea bricks, is the oldest form of tea in China, made by compressing prime tea in moulds.

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芭比和她的朋友开始海豚祖玛冒险,旅游潜艇救援她的妈妈——毛茶赖王国的女王。Bobby and her friends started a dolphin zuma adventure, travel to submarine to rescue her mom- -shai lai the queen of the kingdom.

南山白毛茶是广西历史名茶,是中国最早在国际上获奖的地方品牌。Nanshan Baimao tea is the well-known tea in history in Guangxi. It is also the local brand that gained an international award at the earliest time.

采用景谷当地上百年大叶种老茶树晒青毛茶喔堆发酵制作而成,沱形美观,里外如一。Jinggu a century with big leaves local old dried green tea made from the fermentation reactor Maocha Oh, Da-shaped appearance, inside and outside as one.

本品精选云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,采用传统石磨手工精心制作,经干仓无菌后发酵而成。Yunnan selected items of this large- leafed green sun Maocha for raw materials, traditional hand-crafted stone, the dry storage after fermentation from sterile.

普洱茶是以云南省一定区域内的云南大叶种晒青毛茶为原料,经过后发酵加工而成的散茶和紧压茶。Pu'er tea is a loose tea and compressed tea made of Shaiqingmao tea leaves of Yunnan big leaves species in the certain area of Yunnan province by fermenting process.

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方包茶的毛茶预处理分切铡。筛分。配料。蒸茶。渥堆等过程,然后筑制。Cent cuts the gross tea pretreatment that just wraps tea the process such as tea of cut up with a hay cutter, screening, burden, evaporate, wetting caboodle, build next make.

以云南大叶种特级晒青毛茶为原料,研究普洱茶加工过程中主要成分的变化规律及其各项指标的相关性。Special grade sun dried green tea of Yunnan large leaf was used as the experimental subject to examine the changes and correlations of main chemical components during Pu'er tea processing.

此茶系采用优良的云南大叶种茶树鲜叶制作,先经萎凋、揉捻或揉切、发酵、干燥等工序制成毛茶,再精加工为成品茶。The tea fresh leaves plucked from the trees of improved variety named Yunan Daye, then through the procedure of withering, rolling or cutting, fermentation, drying, reprocessing before finishing.