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鸭子嘎嘎地叫。A duck quacks.

这条旧船嘎嘎地往前行驶。The old ship chugged along.

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风震得窗户嘎嘎作响。The wind jarred the windows.

窗子在窗框中嘎嘎作响。The window jarred in the frame.

鸟发出嘎嘎的惊叫声。The bird gave a startled squawk.

她们听到巨大的吱吱嘎嘎的响声。They heard a loud creaking noise.

一辆卡车嘎嘎响地慢慢驶上山。A truck came grinding up the hill.

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这扇门因铰链生锈开关发出嘎嘎的声音。The door grated on its rusty hinges.

鹅看到她,大声地嘎嘎叫。The goose saw her and cackled loudly.

她使厨房里的碗盆嘎嘎作响。She rattled the dishes in the kitchen.

在山坡上引擎发出嘎嘎的爆发声。The engine began to cough on the hill.

最差的车轮最会嘎嘎响。The worst wheel of a cart creaks most.

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像这样走路,嘎嘎嘎嘎。Walking like this, quack, quack, quack.

我们的旧手推车嘎嘎地穿过大街。Our old handcart rattled over the street.

两只乌鸦在我们小船的上空嘎嘎叫着。A couple of ravens croaked above our boat.

鸭群嘎嘎乱叫着冲向湖中。The ducks squawked and went down the lake.

她这名字就是来自他们的一首歌,名叫嘎嘎作响的收音机。She took her name from their song Radio Ga Ga.

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狗吠了,鸡也吓得嘎嘎地叫了起来。The dog barked and the hens squawked in terror.

但是,能不能在那里他们的嘎嘎响的车吗?But can they make it there in their rattletrap car?

鸡看到狐狸时会大声地嘎嘎叫。The chickens squawked loudly when they saw the fox.