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用雷射导引的飞弹非常精确。Laser-guided missiles are extremely accurate.

强化奥术飞弹重命名为奥术稳定?。Improved Arcane Missles renamed Arcane Stability.

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弹道飞弹?他们从哪里发射这种东西的?A ballistic missile? Where'd they launch that from?

去打仗的话子弹飞弹会忍不住向你飞。To fight, then bullets missile will not help you fly.

使用防空火箭--长程的智能寻的飞弹。It will use anti-air rockets, they're long range homing missiles.

而且现在中国正在和叙利亚商谈出售M11弹道飞弹。It has also negotiated with Syria on the sale of M11 ballistic missiles.

现有37艘大型潜艇,都是装备弹道飞弹的核动力潜艇。There are 37 bigger submarines, "boomers" armed with ballistic missiles.

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如此解释,即可完整解读北韩核武和飞弹测试的突兀时机。All this may well explain the timing of recent nuclear and missile tests.

我曾经提议过发起先发制人的飞鱼飞弹攻击他的空军。I've recommended a preemptive Exocet Missile attack against his airforce.

那敏感的牧师怀着神经质的恐惧,将身子一缩,躲开了那轻飘的飞弹。The sensitive clergyman shrunk, with nervous dread, from the light missile.

炸弹和坦克和飞弹和白磷弹就是那面高墙。Bombers and tanks and rockets and white phosphorus shells are that highwall.

炸弹和坦克和飞弹和白磷弹就是那面高墙。Bombers and tanks and rockets and white phosphorus shells are that high wall.

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一枚瞄得准的飞弹必会推毁多数的坦克车,卡车及其他设备。One well-placed miss ile would destroy most of tanks, trucks and other equipment.

炸弹和坦克和飞弹和白磷弹就是那面高墙。Bombers and tanks and rockets and white phosphorus shells are that high, solid wall.

布特被控向他们兜售许多武器,其中包括肩扛飞弹。Bout allegedly offered to sell them numerous arms, including shoulder-fired missiles.

胸前内藏金属工具四把,左右手部可以发射飞弹。Chest former Inner Tibet metal tool four, about the hand may launch the guided missile.

强化魔法飞弹被重新命名为奥术强化并且不再增加魔法消耗。Empowered Arcane Missiles renamed Arcane Empowerment and no longer increases mana cost.

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在越战中,你驾驶从小鹰号航空母舰上起飞的喷射战机,当时你的战机被飞弹打下来了!You flew jet fighters inVietnam from the Aircraft Carrier Kitty Hawk. You were shotdown!

自911事件以来,对于肩射飞弹及生物武器等攻击行动的恐惧不断增高。Since 911, fears of shoulder-fired missile2 and biological weapon attacks have increased.

这样,球飞的弹道就会飞得更高,反之,关闭杆面则会使球飞弹道更低。This allows the ball to fly higher, and closing the clubface allows the ball to fly lower.