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他们不会额外收费。They don't charge extra.

他盼望着额外的奖励。He was expecting a bonus.

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我若需要额外帮助该怎么办?What if I need extra help?

为祝您好运再额外加上一个!Plus an extra for good luck!

这很明显是额外糟糕。That's clearly an extra-bad.

我需要额外上英语课。I need extra English lessons.

所以你必须添加额外的分数。Have to add some extra points.

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你得付点额外的费用。That'll cost you a little extra.

但你并不想花额外的时间。You do not want to spend x-plus.

额外添加浸渍叉的糖霜Extra icing sugar for dipping fork

这里的只是一些跛脚的额外无足轻重。Here's just some lame extra footy.

他们要求额外的赔偿。They asked for extra compensation.

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开车上班——额外的汽车保养费Driving to work – extra maintenance

轻松赚取额外的收入!Kutu pintar-Easy way to earn money.

谁可以得到额外的餐后甜点?Who gets the extra de ert at di er?

购买一个有额外放腿空间的经济舱座位。Buy a coach seat with extra legroom.

它还包括了额外的按钮。It also includes additional buttons.

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这主要是由于额外的任务转换。This is due to extra task switching.

你能给我匀出一张额外的票吗?Can you spare an extra ticket for me?

皮革鞋头帽额外的保护。Leather toe-cap for added protection.