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避免含糊。Avoid ambiguity.

是否有任何含糊之处?Is there any ambiguity?

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他的答复是含糊的。His answer was ambiguous.

那醉汉说话含糊不清。The drunk man slurred his words.

他对这件事的解释有些含糊。He explained it somewhat mistily.

爱不永远都是温暖与含糊不清的。Love is not always warm and fuzzy.

不可思议的,含糊难解的。Of a mysterious or obscure nature.

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避免含糊的和笼统的支出。Avoid ambiguous or general expenses.

我对神的解颇为含糊。My ideas about God are pretty vague.

不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。Don't be cagey or vague in headlines.

他喝酒越多,他的话越含糊不清。His speech blurred the more he drank.

这个答案很明了,不含糊。The answer was clear and unambiguous.

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含糊导致混乱和困惑。Ambiguity leads to mess and confusion.

喝醉酒的人说话时经常含糊不清。Drunken people often have slurred speech.

他对这件事的解释有些含糊。He explained the matter somewhat mistily.

尼娜含糊地找了个借口就赶紧走开了。Nina murmured an excuse and hurried away.

磋商是个含糊的带弹性的词。Consultation is a vagues and elastic term.

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它可能表述含糊,这是我感到愤怒。It can be ambiguous, which makes me angry.

它与上下文无关,并且毫不含糊。It is context-independent and unambiguous.

他那含糊的回答弄得我们很为难。His vague reply disconcerted us completely.