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你那末早就去上班啦?You're leaving so early for your office?

那末最后一曲终了就让我们启程吧。Then finish the last song and let us leave.

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那末去旅行,成为家庭宇宙志的地理专家。Travel them, and be expert in home-cosmography.

那末,请多喝点水,好好苏息。Drink plenty of water and have a good rest, then.

他不该该在公家场合喝那末多酒。He should never drink that much alcohol in public.

呵,呸!我们是喜欢你的,那末,他们要叫我们什么呢?。O, fie! What then would they call us who love you?

他们问我那末多问题把我都弄胡涂了。They asked me so many questions that they confused me.

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那末,我们是怎么达到绝对相等的观念的呢?How, then, do we arrive at the idea ofabsolute equality?

那末大的风暴乘划子出海,的确是疯了。It was insane to take the boat on the sea in that storm.

那末,请为这批货物保水渍险和偷窃、提货不着险。Then please cover W. P. A. and TPND for this transaction.

那末,它的价值量是怎样计量的呢?How, then, is the magnitude of this value to be measured ?

煮过那末多玉米糊了,房屋还是好好的站着呢。Nevertheless, it stood through a great many hasty-puddings.

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如果你只凭一时高兴去工作,那末你永远不会有多大成就。If you work by fits and starts, you will never achieve much.

那末当你游玩时,你会觉得比较轻松愉快。Then while you play, you will feel more relaxed and pleasant.

如果错过了太阳时你流了泪,那末你也要错过群星了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun , you also miss the star!

如果你在德国,那末只需花上379欧元就能拥有它了。If you live in Germany, you can preorder you X6 16GB for 379 euro.

要是你在德国,那末只需花上379欧元就能拥有它了。if you live in germany, you can preorder you x6 16gb for 379 euro.

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那末老荣一定知道,可能他说谎。The that end old glory definitely knows that probably he tells a lie.

“那末你应该马上就学起来,”雷斯脱和蔼地说。"You ought to take lessons right away then, " replied Lester genially.

当咱们以咱们的充实为乐时,那末,咱们便能很愉快地跟咱们的果实分手了。When we rejoice in we fulness, now we can part dawn we fruits dawn joy.