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我们要赢得更多的市场份额。We have a lot more to win.

我们的市场份额在下降。Our market share is dro ing.

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这就意味着我们要按份额分配That means we're allocating shares.

有多少份额Tresh的情操。Many there share Tresh's sentiments.

企业要抢占市场份额。Enterprises have to seize market share.

在南宁市有一定的市场份额。Nanning City in a certain market share.

他将他的份额遗赠给他的女儿.He bequeathed his shares to his daughter.

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但该公司仍有可能在争夺市场份额的大战中落败。It may yet lose the war for market share.

我们为什么会失去这么多的市场份额?Why did we lose so much of the market share?

同时,他的市场份额不断高涨。Meanwhile, its market share continues to soar.

每位海盗所得的战利品的份额是经过同意的The share of each pirates booty was agreed on.

这就给了我们攫取市场份额的机会。This gives us opportunity to grab market share.

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我们公司现在没有市场份额和市场的美誉度。Our company has no market presence or reputation

但不该把它相当份额一片我大饼。Share it fairly but dont take a slice of my pie.

但是,二者在美国市场份额方面的争夺,却从来都是一场难分伯仲的混战。U.S. market share, however, has been a dogfight.

我们正在从竞争对手那里夺来市场份额。We are taking market shares from our competitors.

以下是服务器市场份额排名Here’s a look at the server market share standings

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最大的份额可能留存在银行。The lion’s share is in bog-standard bank deposits.

本顿公司的市场份额最大。Benton Co. is the biggest in terms of market share.

抢先占有新城区的能源供应份额。Forestalls to hold the new city energy supply share.