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最后以高校招考咨询活动答话与目的原则的关系来结束第三章。Chapter Four focuses on the dynamic interaction of question and response.

深圳要招考公务员,恐怕大专是不行的。Shenzhen to recruit civil servants , I am afraid that college is not acceptable.

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据说连模特儿都来报考这次空服员招考。Word has it that even models have registered to take this flight attendant exam.

关于招考领域的高校与考生之间的法律关系一直存在不同观点。There have always different views on the law relation between universities and examinees.

制度公正是实现招考公平的重要前提,没有公正的制度也就不可能有公平的招考。The system justice is an important premise to realize the equity in enrollment and examinations.

我国的高考改革可以从法国高校招考制度得出一些有益的启示与借鉴。We can get some helpful inspirations from France in the course of reforming our College Entrance Examination.

第二十六条录用公务员,应当发布招考公告。Article 26 Before recruiting and employing public servants, a public notice of entrance examination shall be issued.

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对于这次事业单位招考如此与众不同的安排,当地相关部门的解释为“岗位的特殊性决定的”。Local related departments explained that the unusual employment test was decided by the "particularity of the post".

目的建立军校学员SCL-90常模,为学员研究和招考工作提供心理学参考依据。Objective To determine the norm of SCL-90 in Chinese cadet and provide basic data for psychological research in cadets.

中国希望在利比亚招考的阿拉伯联盟峰会能进一步改善阿拉伯国家关系,从而加速解决巴勒斯坦问题。China is expecting the summit in Libya to better coordinate inter-Arab relations and further advance the Palestinian cause.

同济大学招考研究生会歧视二本师范类学校的学生么?Does Tongji University admit graduate student student that can discriminate against two normal school kind school by examination?

柜台内勤人员以及外勤邮递业务人员则是此次招考需求的最大宗。The highest number of job openings will be available for counter and office staff and field postal staff during this recruitment.

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在上述两个案例中,负责招考的政府行政机关均据此认定报考者因系艾滋病感染者而“不合格”。In both cases, the executive is responsible for recruitment of candidates who are thus identified by Department of AIDS and "unqualified."

单一的招考制度和培养模式是导致学前教育专业本科招生难、培养难、就业“难”。A single entrance examination system and training model is the cause of difficult of pre-school education enrolling, culture and employment.

据说,这次考试的名额已经内定,公开招考只是一种形式。It is said the selection of candidates had been decided internally. Examination and recruitment through public channels are just a formality.

“命运之子”源于休斯敦。在一次参加当地某个儿童乐团的招考试唱中,8岁的贝昂茜·诺尔斯遇见了同样年纪的拉塔维娅·罗伯逊。The Destiny's Child story begins in Houston, where 8 year olds Beyoncé Knowles, and LaTavia Roberson met while auditioning for a local children's group.

1978年以来,全日制硕士生招考方式研究成为研究者关注的重要问题。Since 1978, the studies of the entrance examination and enrollment system of full-time graduate students have become an important issue for discussion by people.

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公务员招考是国家选拔优秀人才进入党政机关的重要手段。The official gives public notice of entrance examination is the country selects the outstanding talent to enter Party and government organizations' important means.

全面实行高校校长职级制度,采取竞争上岗、公开招考,停用高校及校长行政级别。The full implementation of college the principal official rank system, take the competition for posts, open recruitment, disabled college and principal administrative levels.

在医院工作了4年后,我终于在公务员招考中脱颖而出,英语让我绽放异彩,我获得第一名,并成为外交官。After working in hospital for 4 years my English proved itself in 1997 when I scored top in the National Examination and was entitled to work for the Foreign Ministry as a diplomat.