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我连接上了。I’m connected.

你怎样连接到它?How do you link to it?

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连接性最强的那个人?The most connected guy?

通过斜面连接在一起。To meet in a miter joint.

连接主机失败。Connection to host falled.

连接标识符。The connection identifier.

连接到芯子的软管松脱。Loose hose to core fitting.

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连接到您的实例。Connecting to your instance.

首先,UDP是无连接的。First, it is connectionless.

通过榫和榫眼而连接在一起。Join by a tenon and mortise.

断开数据库连接。Disconnect from the database.

然后,它将连接两个表。It will then join two tables.

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连接重试次数。Number of connection retries.

那条路连接了那些新城镇。The road links the new towns.

和一个连接它们的阀门。There's a valve between them.

虚拟路径连接?。VPC? Virtual Path Connection?

接下来,连接到该数据库。Next, connect to the database.

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现在小部件已连接。Now the widgets are connected.

超级骇客准备连接。Super Hacker ready for linkup.

断开连接具有其优点。Disconnection has its benefits.