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所有货物都加盖了检验合格封印。All goods were sealed.

他驾驶测验不合格。He failed his driving-test.

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他在机器上打好合格两字。He put his OK on the machine.

他教英语是合格的。He is qualified to teach English.

更换不合格产品。Replacement of Non-Conforming Items.

主考人评定全部考生合格。The examiners passed all the candidates.

这份证书证明产品合格。This certificate qualifies the products.

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当时抽检的24个批次全部合格。When sampling of 24 batch all qualified.

我需要一个合格的官方报价为PDF。I need a qualified official offer as PDF.

确定不合格原因。Identify the cause of the nonconformance.

不合格统计和分析。Make statistic and analysis nonconformity.

一名合格的、优秀的值日班干!A qualified, excellent class cadre on duty!

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我们认为损失是由于不合格货垫引起的。We think the damage was due to poor dunnage.

乙部及丙部二者皆不合格的数字。Figure showing both Part B and Part C failed.

不合格材料是否经过MRB过程?。Do all failed lots go through the MRB process?

合格的工作人员现在大有人在。Qualified staff are two-a-penny at the moment.

服务合同必须与合格的托运人签订。Service Contract must be with qualified shier.

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他驾驶考试合格使大家很惊奇。He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.

是开利公司的合格供应商。Also, JINGJU is Carrier's certificated supplier.

这些猫从兽医那里拿到了完全合格的健康证书。The cats got a clear bill of health from the vet.