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战争结束后,我也落荒而逃。After the fight, I ran away too.

德里克和教堂里的其他人落荒而逃。Derek and everyone else in the church flees.

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许多人一直理解不透这里有个关卡,他们临阵退缩,落荒而逃。A lot of people never get past this phase, they quit.

农夫把狼痛打一顿,狼便嗥叫地落荒而逃。The wolf was beaten by the farmer. He ran howling away.

他们最终丢盔卸甲、落荒而逃。But they eventually dropped everything and took off like rats.

月黑风高的晚上,小李遇见一个鬼,那鬼竟吓得落荒而逃,怎么回事?On one dark night, Li met a ghost, however, it ran away, how comes?

商家落荒而逃,绑架案不足为奇,整个比哈尔邦似乎前途渺茫。Businesses fled, kidnapping became rampant, and Bihar seemed hopeless.

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当爱情与世俗在现实生活中狭路相逢时,落荒而逃的一定是爱情。When love against secular in real life, must be defeated and flee love.

不仅如此,随着央行果断地应对,投资者纷纷落荒而逃。And as central banks begin to react vigorously, investors are taking fright.

所有的人和动物们一见着他来了纷纷落荒而逃,狐狸感到很骄傲。All fled at his approach, both men and animals, and he was a proud Ass that day.

我既不想被咬,也不愿落荒而逃,于是挪到人行道一旁让出路来。Not wanting to get bitten or run over, I moved over to the edge of the sidewalk.

生活得种种挑战和难题最终会从一直保持自信的人身边落荒而逃。Ultimately, life’s challenges run and hide from the person that maintains confidence.

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我们要努力赶上耶稣,他知道他拥有至高的权柄,能命令撒旦落荒而逃。And we can emulate Jesus, who knew He had authority over Satan and commanded him to flee.

我开过战壕,碾过迫击炮,把他们轧得吱吱响,德国人落荒而逃。I drove over the trench, rode over the mortars, squishing them, the Germans were fleeing.

如今,货币兑换商已从我们文明庙宇的高处落荒而逃。Yes, the money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civiIization.

显然,当伊顿公学的男生们被一群猎犬追得落荒而逃时,这种游戏让她得到了满足。Apparently, she adored a game where Eton boys were chased by a pack of hounds for her pleasure.

眼看着自己邪恶的计划破产了,普雷明戈跳上马背落荒而逃。Realizing that his evil plan was falling apart, Preminger jumped onto his horse and raced away.

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据说,光是他死前的尖叫声就足以让他的军队在恐惧中落荒而逃了。As the story goes, Bohun's screams of death alone was enough to send his troops running in fear.

据说,光是他死前的尖叫声就足以让他的军队在恐惧中落荒而逃了。As the story goes, Bohun’s screams of death alone was enough to send his troops running in fear.

米歇尔的初恋男友在坚持了几个月后落荒而逃,边跑还边说,天呐,我实在满足不了你。Michelle's first boyfriend bowed out after a few months saying he couldn't keep up with her demands.