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用长刃的殇葬送我的英华。Using long blade clasped my acs lag.

难道是朕将洛丹伦葬送的吗?Is it I that ruin the kingdom of Lordaeron?

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然而这种情调却葬送在我心。However, this sentiment is buried in my heart.

他们在领先情况下葬送了10分。They have dropped 10 points from leading positions.

我们每等多一分钟,有更多生命就会白白地葬送。For every minute we wait, many more lives go in vain in Gaza.

只是在拍戏过程中,一个小事故差点葬送了他的事业。But one accident almost ruins his career. It happened in his stunts.

这让我想起了勇士在总决赛葬送了他们3-1的领先优势。That reminds me of the time the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the finals.

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如果出现最糟糕的情况,是否会葬送了自己的职业生涯,还是能够克服?Will the worst-case scenario be career-ending, or something that can be overcome?

这些银行并不会葬送以市场为基础的金融界,只是有待改进。Yet they are not the pallbearers of market-based finance, just a work in progress.

让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。Let the stormy sea coral away from the erosion it? That is tantamount to ruin their beauty.

安妮·埃利奥特虽出身高贵,才貌超群,但十九岁就把自己葬送了。Anne Elliot, with all her claims of birth, beauty, and mind, threw herself away at nineteen.

地震无情地将一个个鲜活的生命葬送于黄泉,毁灭了多少个家庭?Seismic callosity ground each fresh life put an end to at Acheron , how many family to destroy?

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实际上,正是英石油公司对俄罗斯政治以及公司文化的错误判断葬送了这笔交易。In fact it was BP's misjudgment of Russian politics and corporate culture that did for the deal.

越来越多的美国学龄期运动员正因脑震荡而将其体育生涯葬送在急诊室中。More and more school-age athletes in the US are ending up in the emergency room with concussions.

所有剩余的快照就会被葬送,因为有人无意中打开暗室的大门。All remaining snapshots will be ruined because someone unwittingly opens the door to the darkroom.

而且,你的生命也会受到威胁,我告诉他,因为如果你继续这样,你未来的事业将会被葬送。But your life is at stake too, I told him, because if you pursue this, your career is going to be ruined.

如果需要将关键资源分散到许多不相关的方面,甚至可能因此而葬送最佳定义的项目。The need to spread critical resources across many unrelated areas can kill even the best-defined project.

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通常,在那些发生在我们身上且要葬送我们的逆境中,都确实同时潜藏着对我们有利的因素。The adversities that come along to bury us usually have within them the very real potential to benefit us!

如果我们错过了那些爱慕自己的女人,我们的幸福生活将会葬送在那片无边的死海之中。If we missed those women that adore our, our happy life will put an end to is in that brimless the Dead Sea.

把她这样年轻的女子活活葬送,而她的丈夫却可以与娼妓在一起鬼混。我痛恨这种伪善的观点。I'm sick of the hypocrisy that would bury alive a woman of her age if her husband prefers to live with harlots.