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再做一辆牛车。building the cart again.

我们必须要同红牛车队进行战斗。We need to beat the Red Bulls.

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他们乘牛车回了村。They trekked back to the village.

比我这牛车是快多了!Much faster than my bull-drawn cart!

牛车卖掉之后,他卖掉了牛When the cart is sold he sells the ox

一辆牛车沿着碎石路嘎吱嘎吱地向前走。An ox cart rattled along the stony road.

牛车空了以后,他卖掉了牛车。When the cart is empty he sells the cart.

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红牛车手和水之间有神马不可告人的秘密?What is it about Red Bull drivers and water?

信不信由你,前面有一辆牛车。Believe it or not, there is an ox cart ahead.

在牛车后绑着的是女奴隶艾若尼。Attached to the wagon is young slave girl, Eirene.

我认为红牛车队和红牛之队位于正确的道路上。I think that Red Bull and Toro Rosso is on the right way.

名为波兰牛车,出自于他的展览会上的画作It's called "Polish Oxcart" From his work Pictures at an Exhibition.

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泥泞不堪,布满了牛车压出的车辙。The country roads were muddy and full of furrows left by farm carts.

有些牛车,但它们的运动是群山的一部分。There were bullock carts, but their movement was a part of the hills.

红牛车队的老板霍纳说他并不急于作出决定。RBR team boss Christian Horner said he is not in a rush to make a decision.

红牛车队老板霍内尔说,该行不会威胁FOTA解决方案的统一。Red Bull team boss Christian Horner said the row is not a threat to FOTA's unity.

马达加斯加——日出映照着猢狲树大道上的轻型交通工具——孤单的一架牛车。Madagascar—Sunrise reveals light traffic—a lone oxcart—along the Avenue of the Baobabs.

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画里有个老旧的波兰牛车,在俄罗斯某处,置于某些偏僻的路上It's of an old Polish oxcart sitting on some godforsaken road in rural Russia somewhere.

然后他们就把商队所有的货物和牛车据为己有。Then they had taken for themselves all the merchandise and bullock carts of the caravan.

人们住在稻草搭建的吊脚楼中,唯一的地面交通工具是牛车。Everyone lives in thatch huts on stilts, and the only ground transportation is by oxcart.