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布朗先生总是以高人一等的态度对待他所有的邻居。Mr Brown condescends to all his neighbours.

但是开发商也失去了高人一等的作风。But the developers also fell prey to one-upmanship.

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不要低估你的学生,不要用高人一等的口气同他们讲话。Never underestimate your students and never talk down to them.

所以奥巴马敏感的支持者觉得这是右派们自认为高人一等,这种感觉是正确的。His more sensitive supporters would be right to feel it is patronising.

没人喜欢那些自以为高人一等的傲慢的家伙。No one likes snotty people who think they’re better than everyone else.

你希望有个权威人事在你之上对你咆哮用高人一等的口气对你说话吗?Would you have one in authority over you scream at you and talk down to you?

而日本人的饮食方法更是高人一等,它们只吃幼虾。Also, since Japanese people are all about one-upmanship, they only eat baby shrimps.

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无法席地而坐,高跷阵表演者连休息也是「高人一等」。With no way to sit down just anywhere, stilt performers "stand tall" even when at rest.

你希望有个权威人事在你之上对你咆哮用高人一等的口气对你说话吗?Would you have one in authority over you scream at you and talk down to you? I wouldn't.

不能自持为尊者,高人一等,而远离员工,脱离群众。Not self-sustaining as the Venerable, superior, and away from employees, from the masses.

从他脸上的冷笑我猜想到他自以为高人一等。The cold smile on his face made me guess that he considered himself to be superior to others.

他总是自以为是,利用一切机会向他的听众传达他高人一等的知识。Sure of himself, he took every opportunity to pass on his superior knowledge to his audiences.

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对草食动物来说,长得巨大表示「高人一等」,可以吃到更高处的树叶。For herbivores , being gigantic means being taller and therefore able to access higher foliage.

自负、以为高人一等的人,会以暴力威胁戳破他们自我形象的人。Conceited, self-important individuals turn nasty toward those who puncture their bubbles of self-love.

自负、自以为高人一等的人,会以暴力威胁戳破他们自我形象的人。Conceited , self-important individuals turn nasty toward those who puncture their bubbles of self-love.

没有一个怀疑读者智商、态度高人一等的人能够写得像样。No one can write decently who is distrustful of the reader's intelligence, or whose attitude is patronizing.

在耶稣的年代,富人会在特别的场合穿长袍,公开炫耀他们的高人一等的地位。At the time of Jesus, wealthy men donned long robes for special occasions, to show off their high status in public.

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纪检人员发现高官乘坐商务或者头等舱的原因是感觉高人一等。Investigators found that senior officials often flew business- or first-class because they felt entitled to the perk.

他们自恃身出豪门,便觉得高人一等,就可以傲慢无礼,到头来连引以为豪的父母都弃之不理。They thinks the body out of the club, they feel superior, it can be arrogant, even the proud parents abandoned ignore.

正如撒但骄傲地试图取代神,安提阿哥自认为「高人一等」自称为「神的化身」。Just as Satan proudly tried to replace God, Antiochus considered himself "superior" and called himself Epiphanes, "God manifest.