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他成功了。He succeeded.

他成功了。It worked out.

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她成功了。She succeeded.

它编译成功了。It compiles okay.

我希望你成功。I hope you succeed.

我们损失了金钱,但是吃一堑长一智,我们会成功的。We lost money here.

但你终会成功的。But you'll get there.

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但我们知道它们必须成功。We know they have to.

我会成功“I'm going to succeed."

祝您成功!So best wishes to you!

成功有如死亡。Success is like death.

那个计画没有成功。That plan didn't work.

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太棒了,祝你成功!Great! Wish you succe !

他一心想取得成功。He was bent on success.

他祝福你成功。He wishes you Godspeed.

我想它们能够获得成功。I want them to succeed.

夸耀某人的成功。Vaunt of one's success.

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庆祝圆满成功。Celebrate every success.

他举杯祝她成功。He drank success to her.

祝王镇成功!I wish Wangzhen success!