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然后声称我在交换。I then claim I'm swapping.

他声称视财富为粪土。He claims to despise riches.

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他声称跟王室有亲戚关系。He claims kindred with royalty.

要清楚食品声称中的隐语。Learn the lingo of food claims.

接下来就是一些声称年份久远的威士忌。Then there are the old whiskies.

后来情报局声称这是局长的口误。The agency later said he misspoke.

他声称自己合法地买了走私货。He claimed to be the rightful heir.

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而马尔默声称自己更环保。And Malmö claims to be even greener.

有些人声称保罗是这样的。And this is what somealleged of Paul.

四月在布拉格的一次演讲中,他声称自己想要营造一个无核的世界。He said he wants a nuclear-free world.

她声称自己是无辜的。She professed herself to be guiltless.

有些人声称见过幽浮。Some people claim they have seen UFOs.

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他们这样声称有无证据呢?Is there any evidence for their claims?

他声称,HTC的团队是全球化的。The HTC team, he brags, is very global.

文化部声称它拥有这个权力。The ministry said it had that authority.

他也被声称为一位主要成员。He has also been claimed as an Archdruid.

他声称在会上受人诋毁。He claims he was slandered at the meeting.

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媒体评论家又一次声称,我死定了。Once again, press pundits said I was dead.

至今,还没有人声称看到过这种动物。No one has reported ever seeing the animal.

日军声称击沉了1艘巡洋舰和1艘驱逐舰。The Japs claimed a cruiser and a destroyer.