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那条消息使她肝肠寸断。The news broke her heart.

看着我肝肠寸断?To watch me, while I bleed?

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我还从未见过她如此肝肠寸断。I had never witnessed such disabling grief.

他妻子逝世使他肝肠寸断。The death of his wife broke him completely.

回头看一次就肝肠寸断,好好离去吧,不要再回头了。A look at the intestines, good to go back to the mo.

哪怕你肝肠寸断,也要为当初的决定付出代价。Even if your heart, but also for the original decision.

他们因癌症夺去了一个孩子而肝肠寸断。They suffered the heartbreak of losing a child through cancer.

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“挑战者号”航天飞机的悲剧令南希和我肝肠寸断。Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger.

爱情原来是含笑饮毒酒,肝肠寸断,永不言悔。Love is the smile had to drink the poisoned wine, Later he was driven, never regret.

林非哭得不能自已,给林桐打电话辞职,挂掉电话后哭得肝肠寸断。Lin Fei cried to call Lin Tong lose self-control, resign, hang up the phone crying heart.

母猪看到这行字肝肠寸断,人类听到这个凄美的故事也无不为之动容。After seeing the sentence, the sow was extremely sad. Human beings was also moved to tears.

并且我很不喜欢看到我的一些朋友为了一些不爱她也不值得她爱的人肝肠寸断。What is true love?I don't really know. So I always stay alone, that can make me feel safer.

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因此,亲爱的,你知道,你不必为昔日的那一记耳光而肝肠寸断。And so, you see, my dear, you had no need to break your heart over that old story of the blow.

有的爱一开始将带来忧伤和创伤,硬要接受下来,必定是肝肠寸断的结局。Some love the beginning will bring grief and trauma, insist accepted, the outcome must Later he was driven.

一滴泪滑落,砸在你熟睡的脸,梦中,你轻轻地呼唤着我,让我肝肠寸断,强忍着悲痛,挥挥手,我又回到了云端。Tear down, smashing you asleep at the face, a dream, you calling me gently, let me , endure the pain, wave, my back to the clouds.

冷淡、有排斥心理的妻子原来是一个非常悲伤的女人,因为失去母亲而肝肠寸断。Perhaps, as in one case that I know of, a distant, rejecting wife turned out to be a very sad woman, grieving the loss of her mother.

近年来的一些流行歌曲唱的就是那些寡情薄义、令其情人肝肠寸断的冷血男女。Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who without feeling, broke the hearts of their lovers.

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多少次肝肠寸断的思念,多少次睡梦中模糊了双眼,没有你,一切都将毫无意义。There were those countless sleepless nights spent in the agony of missing you. Tears blurred my eyes. Without you, things will not be meaningful any more.

在深圳,你可以哭得肝肠寸断,也可以叹得气壮山河,但该往前走的脚步绝对不可以慢,更不可以停。In Shenzhen, you can cry so much quarrel with heart broken, but also can do a magnificent, but the move ahead of the pace should not slow, it is not stopped.