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这可能囊括了所有人,从救援工作者到音乐节观众概莫能外。That might include anyone from aid workers to music-festival-goers.

它们在各大洲都有分布,从冰冻的南极洲到灼热的澳洲,概莫能外。They inhabit all the continents from frosty Antarctica to burning Australia.

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各种背景的人概莫能外,其中不乏收入在六位数的人士。They are people from all backgrounds, including some with six-figure incomes.

有政治就必然有权力斗争,任何国家都概莫能外。No country is spared from power struggle which is part and parcel of politics.

在您发布之前,你需要从菲律宾。我们不接受任何国家,概莫能外。Before you post, you need to be from PHILIPPINES. We don't accept any countries, no exceptions.

我们的错误在无情地蔓延,且缺乏公正,任何国家均概莫能外。The contagion of our mistakes shows no mercy and makes no exceptions on the basis of fair play.

打假永远是一种群体行为,新闻打假概莫能外。Fighting against false is always a kind of group behaving, including fighting against false news.

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像威名赫赫的李嘉诚、郑裕彤、郭炳湘兄弟、李兆基等,概莫能外。Like the famed half Ka, Ma, Ping Guo brothers, Shau Kee Studentship , there should be no exceptions.

离开了对这个原型的感悟,没人能够理智地行事,个人生活与国家大事概莫能外。Without having had a vision of this form no one can act with wisdom, either in his own life or in matters of state.

类似的跨境并购的时代正在到来,包括中国的买家和大型的举世瞩目的西方卖家都概莫能外。The day is coming when cross-border deals like this, involving Chinese buyers and big, iconic western sellers, will be common.

崇高中含有和谐的因素,是在自然界的或社会的崇高中,还是在崇高的审美心理中,均概莫能外。Loftiness, either in nature or society or in aesthetic psychology, all has some harmonious elements, and there is no exception.

无论是党政机关的办公室,还是企事业单位的办公室概莫能外。No matter be the office of Party and goverment officials, enterprise or business still the office of the unit has no exception.

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由于中国经济吸引了全球生产链各个部位的工作岗位,从低端到高端概莫能外,因此对全球工资和工作条件的决定能力不断增强。China increasingly sets the global norm for wages and working standards as it attracts jobs at both the high and low ends of the production chain.

破产管理人在破产程序中居于重要地位,这一点无论是强调法官中心主义还是强调当事人中心主义的破产立法中均概莫能外。The Bankruptcy Administer plays a very important role in the bankruptcy procedure, no matter in Judge-Center System country or Adversary System country.

人赤条条来到世间,也赤条条离开世间,生时没有带来任何东西,死时也带不走任何东西,无论你是君主还是囚徒,是富豪还是乞丐,概莫能外。People bring nothing when given birth, and go away also with nothing when dead. Whether you are a prisoner or a monarch, a rich or a beggar, there is no exception.

在重整程序中,重整管理人居于中心地位,这一点无论是强调法官中心主义还是强调当事人中心主义的破产立法中均概莫能外。At re-engineering process, re-living center managers, it judges whether it is centered or emphasize the importance of party-centrism of bankruptcy legislation in both the exception.

消费主义文化作为一种话语权力系统在中国的流行,在政治、经济、文化领域都产生了一系列深重的影响,艺术也概莫能外。The culture of consumerism as a system of power discourse that poplars in China, has produced a series of deep impacts in the fields of political, economic and cultural, including arts.

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人类的各种实践活动在总体上是属人的,是为了人类各种各样的需求与欲望,法治作为人类的政治实践活动亦概莫能外。All activities of man, which are for meeting people's all kinds of demands and desires, are humanistic, and as one kind of human political practise, Rule by law could not be exceptional.

但现实生活中日益增多的医疗损害事件、医疗纠纷和医疗诉讼,却使医疗陷入了尴尬的境地,世界各国概莫能外。But in reality, the increasing malpractice, medical disputes and lawsuits have made the medical service fall into an awkward region which the various countries have admitted of no exception.

NEC公司雄心勃勃的成本削减目标表明日本企业和员工之间曾经牢不可摧的雇佣关系如今已经分崩离析,甚至老牌知名企业也概莫能外。NEC's ambitious cost-saving target makes it clear that the formerly sacred contract between companies and employees in Japan, even among the corporate aristocracy, is now a thing of the past.