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近亲结婚将将西班牙哈普斯堡皇室引向衰退。Inbreeding seen to bring down Spain's Habsburgs.

秦岚却在他将将躺下的时候,突然开了口。Qin Lan but when he will lie down, suddenly open mouth.

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很多时候,这种认识将将把他们推进第四阶段。Often times, this realization will plunge them into Phase 4.

如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也将将失去群星了。If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars.

就在圣诞节前,我听到Yvette说了一个将将能听懂的‘开门’。Before Christmas, I heard Yvette say a recognisable "Open the door".

我已经将将战列舰转向南并改组我的驱逐舰从旁边分开。I have turned my BBs south and shuffle the DDs to the disengaged side.

这些是真正的顶针,并且你将将非常喜欢,当你使用他们。These are REAL thimbles and you will be very please when you use them.

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在重组了债务以后,他将将保住了这块大农场。Restructuring his debt, he hung onto the ranch by the skin of his teeth.

它将将数据整理分类为不同的组,如’人’,’地方’,’公司’等。It orders data into groups such as 'people,' 'places,' 'companies' and more.

例如,您可能想将将声明性事务与外观中的所有方法相关联。For example, you may want to attach declarative transactions to all the methods in a facade.

而明年上市的Tour下一代产品则将将具备802.11支持。Consequently, a version of the BlackBerry Tour will be released next year equipped with 802.11.

前奥运女子跨栏奖牌得主纪政将将率领150名台湾健走好手前来参加。Former Olympic low hurdles medalist Chi Cheng will lead 150 Taiwanese walkers to join the event.

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温度升高将将把巨量的碳排放进大气,地球更无法居住。That would send gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere -- making the world even more inhabitable.

面包车将将可以通过一座建于殖民时代的桥,这个摇摇晃晃的桥就守卫在村口。The van can just make it over a shaky colonial-era bridge that guards the entrance to the village.

不过讲将将到2008年以前,球队就已经有了太多我甚至叫不出名字的教练、分析师和跟班。But by 2008, there were so many coaches, analysts and hangers-on that I couldn’t keep up with all their names.

然后将将依手腕、脚踝、手肘、膝盖、肩部和臀部的顺序一步步卸下四肢。Then the limbs are cut off piecemeal at the wrists and the ankles, the elbows and knees, the shoulders and hips.

白金汉宫透漏,伊莉莎白二世的91岁的丈夫将将面临一项探查手术。Buckingham Palace says the 91-year-old husband of Queen Elizabeth II has checked in for an exploratory operation.

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阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林穿过飞船两舱间的小口,然后将将登月舱“鹰”与哥伦比亚号分离。Armstrong and Aldrin moved through the small opening between the two spacecraft. Then they moved Eagle away from Columbia.

使用方案将将其分为四到五份,条约称,其资源将达到一兆欧元。The methods will each leverage the fund by four or five fold, the statement said, boosting its resources to about €1 trillion.

我猜测中国将将会使事态升级,传递更多的不实消息给它的人民,因为最近他们已经走投无路了。I am speculating China will be escalatig and sending more distorted messages to its people as they have been cornered recently.