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所有这一切可能会让你百思不得其解。All this might have you scratching your head.

这种断食法让许多营养专家百思不得其解。It leaves many nutrition experts scratching their heads. Dr.

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是时间的反噬?还是命运的岔道?陈暮百思不得其解。The hat was in place and tied, but Tess had not stepped forward.

张先生觉褥百思不得其解。Zhang thought that the mattress hundred think do not its solution.

经常会有球员在意大利遭遇华铁卢,这让人百思不得其解。There are flops in Italian football and sometimes it seems to make no sense.

我真奇怪,为什么鄂榭府会令我感觉如此之差?我百思不得其解。Why, I wondered, did the House of Usher make me feel so sad?I could find no answer.

这正是让生物技术学家百思不得其解的问题。That is the question many biotechnologists in America have recently asked themselves.

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剖腹产之后,面对一个生龙活虎的婴儿,她百思不得其解。A quick caesarean section later, and she was the baffled mother of a bouncing baby boy.

可能你也觉得这句有时很出乎人意料,让人百思不得其解。Perhaps you too have felt wine talons grip you unexpectedly sometime and carry you aloft.

听到一些观众在散场时分笑呵呵地总结这部片子是一部“轻喜剧”,百思不得其解。It's a shame that I heard some audiences commented this film a light comedy after it finished.

经济学家常百思不得其解,但我感觉经济与货币政策有很大干系。Economists when researching it all over the place, but I feel a lot has to do with monetary policy.

我百思不得其解,等下了楼发现我的狗正在咬我的棉条安装器。I didn't think anything of it until I went downstairs and found my dog chewing on my used tampon applicators.

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那百慕大和香港到底有什么相似之处,能让它们被混为一谈呢?我百思不得其解。What else is there in common between Bermuda and Hong Kong, I pondered, which might have promoted the mix-up?

倾斜的车道和人行道可以作为涵洞,令人百思不得其解,经常摄入量将减少流失的问题。Sloped driveways and walkways can act as culverts, so baffling and regular drain intakes will reduce the problem.

理论上,这可能有助于英国的努力,抑或这可能使结果百思不得其解,也会使得旧怨未解又添新愁。That could in theory bolster the British efforts—or it could result in obfuscation , and be used to advance old grievances.

你可能会想到橘子,圆形蔬菜,但对把基督徒比作南瓜肯定百思不得其解!Perhaps you are visualizing this orange, round vegetable and wondering how you could ever be compared to one of these squashes!

正在探长默多克百思不得其解时,死者“大白鲨”的头却被人割走,随后刚刚排除嫌疑被释放的“闪电侠”威尔。Are the inspector murdoch, the mystery of the great white shark head actually being cut go, then just exclude the suspected was released.

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百思不得其解,于是人们创造了“缘”这个包罗万象、包容万物的词汇。People remain puzzled in spite of their great effort to understand the endless questions, so they invented the all-embracing word---" predestination ".

在让人难以置信的奇迹恢复后,这位76岁的老汉第一次见到了自己的宝贝孙女,而他的重获光明也让眼科专家们百思不得其解。It means the 76-year-old grandfather has seen his baby granddaughter for the first time following the incredible recovery, which has baffled eye specialists.

百思不得其解的议会专门委员会要求海军做出解释,为何海洋守卫号在耗资昂贵的改造升级几个月后就发生爆炸并沉没。A baffled parliamentary panel had last week asked the navy to explain how could INS Sindhurakshak explode and sink within months of undergoing the costly upgrade.