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先别放下手,艾尔Ale, keep your hands up.

他又伸下手去搔一搔脚脖子。I tickled him with a feather.

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请举下手Just raise your hand, please.

我总是能下手杀人。I was always capable of murder.

举下手,让裘德拍一下Raise your hands. Let Jude see it.

咱们客岁入手下手做那工作的。We began to do that job last year.

发球球员可以选择下手或上手发球。Players may serve underarm or overarm.

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先别放下手,让大家都看见Keep your hands up so that you can see.

他们是些雇佣的下手和马屁精They were hired hands and lickspittles.

发球有上手发球和下手发球两种。Ball may be served underhand or overhand.

他十五岁入手下手学道。He started to learn the 15-year-old Road.

你们当中有多少人,举下手How many of you, raise your hands a second.

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我们从何下手呢So how should we go about thinking about this?

选β的请再举下手Let's have a show of hands on the Beta's again.

电影已下手至极钟了。现在完成进行时习题。The film has ended up being on for ten minutes.

她还有一张王牌就是她可以伺机下手,枕戈待旦。One advantage is that she can play a waiting game.

国有企业下手走上坡路。Stgot-owned enterprises collect out of difficulty.

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莱尼放下手,背过身去。And Lenny drops his hand. He turns his back to her.

屋大维不能向他的对手马克。安东尼下手。Octavian cannot attack Mark Antony who is his rival.

骗子通常找容易受骗的人下手,比如大一的新生。Conmen usually look for easy prey , such as freshmen.