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然后我又停住口。Then I pause again.

住口,要不我就砸烂你的脑袋。Shut up or I'll crown you.

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住口,拿着你的包走吧。Shut up, go with your bag.

住口!为师有让你说话吗?Shut up! Do I let you speak?

“住口,”这个人吼道。"Shut up, " the man growled.

在麻布袋装满之前绑住口!Bind the sack before it be full!

“住口”是不礼貌的话。"Shut up"is not a polite expression.

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住口,你这个鸡婆。我知道路。Shut up, you back-seat driver. I know my way.

他及时住口才没有把话说错。He caught himself before saying the wrong thing.

用手帕或布遮住口部。Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.

用湿布或湿衬衫盖住口鼻翼方吸入毒烟。Protect airways from smoke with damp clothes or shirts.

“住口!”妈妈大声叫道,于是我不再说话了。"Hold your tongue?" cried my mother, and I said n more.

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她像个骂街泼妇,找个人让她住口!She is acting like a fishwife. Someone should shut her up!

皮诺乔挨了这第二鞭,学乖了,马上住口,一句话也不再说了。At that second beating, Pinocchio became very quiet and said no more.

咳嗽、打喷嚏时用纸巾掩住口鼻。Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.

绝佳的办法就是洗手,并在打喷嚏的时候用手遮住口部。The best advice is to wash your hands and cover your mouth when sneezing.

在这个过程中,把布逐渐降低,直到盖住口鼻。As this is done the cloth is lowered until it covers both the nose and the mouth.

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保罗既不听劝,我们便住口了,只说,愿主的旨意成就便是了。And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done.

她们看见真的让她难过了,就住口不再说了,重新整理好队伍。Perceiving that they had really pained her they said no more, and order again prevailed.

当女人感情用事时,男人会心烦意乱或恼火,并让她住口,原因就在于此。This is why, when a woman is emotional, a man gets upset or angry and tells her to stop.