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这就是前门饭店。This is Qianmen Hotel.

在前门大街上。It's on Qianmen Street.

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前门砰然闭上。the front door slams. Mr.

五个按钮的前门襟。Five-button front placket.

前门咔哒一声关上了。The front door closed with a click.

我说,‘我踹开前门。’I said, ‘I kicked in the front door.

我能带上前门的钥匙吗?Can i have the key to the fornt door?

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前门需要牢一点的锁。The front door needs a stronger lock.

前门的门铃激烈地发出刺耳的声响。The front door bell jangled viciously.

是的,很容易。在前门大街上泡泡英语网。Yes , very easy. It's on Qianmen Street.

我们得在前门上安一把新锁。We must put a new lock on the front door.

把这样的花环挂在你的墙上或者前门上。Hang the wreath on your wall or front door.

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他们推推前门——没上锁。They pushed the front door-it was not fast.

她在前门脱下了套鞋。She removed her overshoes at the front door.

他们才不会呆头呆脑地找上我的前门来。They knew better than come to my front door.

轻易找到吗?是的,很轻易。在前门大街上。Yes, very easy. It's on Qianmen Street. DaB.

法国的每一条路都通往它的前门。Every road in France leads to her front door.

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寄存处就在前门后面。The check room is just behind the front door.

在他们的前门上有八个门铃!There are eight doorbells on their front door!

我们本该买把新锁安在前门。We shall have buy a new lock for the front door.