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然后集中在那儿。and hone in.

他是一个注意力不集中的人。He is a scatterbrain.

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当然是你想要集中的东西上面。What you want to focus on.

他集中了每个人的意见。He meshed everyone's views.

“集中你的思想,”他说。"Collect yourself," said he.

所有的目光都集中在他身上。All eyes were focused on him.

我集中精神的时候不会皱眉头。I don't frown when I do that.

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所有的目光都集中在福特•普里菲克特身上。All eyes were on Ford Prefect.

所有的学生都集中了起来。All the students have clubbed.

它应该是雇主注意力集中。It should be employer focused.

这是质量集中的地方。That's where the mass resides.

集中在水果和蔬菜上。Focus on fruits and vegetables.

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马吕斯加倍集中了注意力。Marius redoubled his attention.

“把注意力集中在你的肘部”他建议说。Focus on your elbow, he advises.

所有目光都集中在陈尧咨身上。All eyes were bent on Chen Yaozi.

然后我一天集中完成这些任务。Then I focus on them for the day.

我们的思想集中在一个主意上。Our thoughts centre upon one idea.

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她把目光集中在那个孩子身上。She fastened her eye on the child.

这项工作需要谨慎和集中精力。The job exacts care and attention.

但无论你做什么,住宿集中!But whatever you do, stay focussed!