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尤其是在交通繁杂的北京?Especialy in al the traffic in Beijing?

西方的"苏联学"是一个庞大和繁杂的体系。Sovietology was a huge enterprise in the West.

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家务劳动通常是繁杂的。Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome.

繁杂的家务把她拴住了。Housework is usually miscellaneous and toilsome.

一个大厦林立、妄自尊大、繁杂喧闹、傲慢无礼的城市。The city of high-rises, proud and loud, big and brash.

数据迁移任务是否非常繁杂和耗时?Are data migration tasks cumbersome and taking too long?

公交车的路线繁杂交错,任君选择。Complicated bus routes crisscrossingDespite of your choice.

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他手舞足蹈,优雅地比划着繁杂的手势。He is all flourishes, rococo gestures, and exquisite manners.

时尚与高贵不在于繁杂的结构。Fashion and nobleness don't lie in over-complicated structures.

我在哪里可以看电影赛道繁杂的网上免费全速?Where can I watch Speedway Junky movie online free full stream?

尘世间的一切繁杂,都被抛到了九霄云外。Worldly all complicated, was cast to be flung to the four winds.

除此之外,我们会帮助您提呈繁杂程序的银行贷款申请。Further to this, we help submit your loan which involves a lot of processes.

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如果可能,最好关掉收音机、关上门挡住繁杂的噪音。Better to turn off the radio, shut the door on competing noises, if possible.

如果这话不假的话,那么一个有生命者和外界的关系越繁杂,他也就越有赌气。If this true, then the more relations a living thing has, the more it is alive.

其风格或简朴或繁杂,其用料可以是平纹细布或缎子。The style may be simple or elaborate and the material could be muslin or satin.

远离都市的繁杂与喧嚣,领略山谷之幽美与宁静!Far away from noisy cities, this resort is not only beautiful but also peaceful.

作品以长卷形式,将繁杂的景象纳入统一而富于变化的书卷中。Works with the long form, the complex scene into unity and variety in the scroll.

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迄今,我们的政界对于这些繁杂的事实的表述已经变得明显的含糊其辞。Yet our politics has become strikingly coy about expressing these mottled truths.

正是在经过如此多的繁杂工序之后,我们才能够一品剑南春的香醇、美味。It is in after so many complex processes after, we can a sword mellow and delicious.

位于偏僻繁杂马路边上。很小的门帘和精致的橱柜台。Located in remote multifarious the curb. Small door curtain and delicate ambry stage.