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另外一些人还在热衷于阐发观点。Others remained keen to make a point.

她通过图画和数字进一步阐发她的话。She amplified on her remarks with drawings and figures.

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第二部分对冷战的爆发及其对中国的影响进行了系统阐发和剖析。I have explained the outburst of the cold war and impact on China.

抽象派艺术家,详细的阐发家,无情的的赌马人。I am an abstract artist, a concrete analyst, and a ruthless bookie.

拉布里奥拉对唯物史观的阐发是富有创造性的。Antonio Labriola expounded on the historical materialism is creative.

能更为具体地阐发孔子语的内在意蕴。He can elucidate the inner meaning of Confucius' words more specifically.

这个政党的新指道原则无非是其老信条的阐发。The party's new philosophies are little more than their old beliefs writ large.

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余论为第五部分,是论文的阐发部分。The third section is the fourth part and is the conclusion part of this thesis.

这里你可以发现怎样阐发题目,得出自己的论点和论证来。At this point you can start to form conclusions about how to approach your topic.

叶嘉莹先生对王国维的境界说作了深刻的阐发。Ms. Ye Jiaying has a profound elaboration of Mr. Wang Guowei's "theory of realm".

经过嵇康的阐发,我国古代音乐形神理论终臻完备。Our ancient music appearance-sprite theory attained the perfect state by his elucidating.

这种倾向在霍米亚科夫、索洛维耶夫等思想家的作品中曾得到全面阐发。Such a tendency was elucidated comprehensively in the works by Khomyakov, Solov'yov, etc.

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这篇文章阐发了在我国发展商品经济的意义。This article elucidates the significance of developing a commodity economy in our country.

这也是格式塔心理学家详细阐发的一个观点。This was also a point of view developed at length by the gestalt psychologist Rudolph Arnheim.

文章以乔著为依托,既从深层阐述乔先生之深意,也在阐发自己之感悟。Based the work , the article not only elaborate Mr. Qiao's thought, but also expound his feeling.

BBC最近用一整套“碧雅翠丝·波特的商业指南”来详细阐发这个颇具洞察力的观点。The BBC recently elaborated on this insight in a series on "The Beatrix Potter Guide to Business".

BBC最近用一整套“碧雅翠丝·波特的商业指南”来详细阐发这个颇具洞察力的观点。The BBC recently elaborated on this insight in a series on “The Beatrix Potter Guide to Business”.

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以杜琪峰的黑色电影系列为中心,阐发黑色电影与恶托邦的关联性。It presents, Du Qifeng's noir films being the center, the relevance between noir films and Dystopia.

他在前人理论基础上,立足于希腊城邦的现实来阐发其政治理论。He elaborated his political theory based on the actuality of Greek polis on the basis of predecessors.

作考擅长攫取具有典型意义的生活琐事,藉以阐发社会和人生的宏大主题。The author is clever at elucidating such grand themes like society and life through meaningful trivia.