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我们应该耐心等待。We should wait.

他是否耐心?Is he impatient?

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只要有耐心。Jesu have patience.

要有耐心和祷告。Be patient and pray.

我是比较没有耐心。I have less patience.

她耐心地听着。She listens patiently.

吉米耐心地听着。Jimi listens patiently.

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你还有这耐心吗?Do you have the patience?

另外,我也有耐心。I had patience back then.

因为我有实足的耐心。Cos my patience is strong.

这工作需要耐心。The work demands patience.

你需要有耐心!You have to have patience.

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你一定要有耐心,米菲。You must be patient, Miffy!

因为我有实足的耐心。Cause my patience is strong.

我认为我是踊个厢当有耐心赌人。I think I am quite a person.

将你自己做到最好,并要有耐心。Do your best, and be patient.

这个需要点耐心。This one takes some patience.

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欣克利很有耐心的那一天。Hinckley was patient that day.

耐心。绝对要有耐心。Patience. Definitely patience.

您对我总是那么地有耐心。You allways so patient with me.