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她说,两年的时间,他对之不管不顾,任由它慢慢长大。For two years, she says, he ignored it and it kept growing.

保持头脑明锐,说不爱就不爱,这也算是一种特别的不管不顾的勇气。And there is a kind of desperate courage in being lucid and refusing to love.

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但是,科学家不能把肌肉细胞和组织放置在平台上以后就不管不顾。But muscle cells or tissue cannot just be placed on a platform and left alone.

然而,颜色往往只是通盘决定之后的马后炮,有时候甚至被不管不顾。However, far too often color enters the equation as an afterthought, or worse, not all all.

第一件事是问他这五年去哪儿了,为什么不管不顾家里?The first matter is to inquire him to work for these five annuals where, why bypass a regardless of family?

洋男人看着女人独自打拼而不管不顾令中国女人感到不可思议。Many Chinese women find it unbelievable that Western men would allow their girlfriends to rough it on their own.

如今,没有哪家公司可以对自己的产品不管不顾,造出来,扔出去,然后忘得一干二净。No company regardless of what they make can nowadays just make a product, bung it out there and forget about it.

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神,突然就改变了整个战场,不管不顾别人的死括。The absolute being suddenly changed the entire battlefield and neglected the additional people's dead Gua no matter.

和损友在一起,我们会凋谢,无法捉摸,对不断恶化的后果不管不顾。With toxic friends we wither, sometimes knowingly other times unknowingly, but regardless the deteriorating effect is still the same.

帅哥就算有心一生只爱你一人,也顶不住别的女人不管不顾的爱心奉献。The handsome boy even intentional lives only love you one person, also couldn't resist another woman whether disregard love dedication.

把我的简历发给和你们打交道的猎头公司。我现在签了50-70家的中介公司,他们之间都不管不顾的。Keep me posted on which headhunters you deal with. I am currently tied into 50-70 placement agencies, none of which are aware of the others.

“让他们听见好啦,”达林先生不管不顾地回答说,“让全世界的人都来听吧。我可再也不能容忍那只狗在我的育儿室里主宰一切,一刻也不能。”Let them! " he answered recklessly. "Bring in the whole world. But I refuse to allow that dog to lord it in my nursery for an hour longer. "

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但是,假如他可以加入那种不管不顾的投篮球队,像爵士和76人,戈登相对来讲还是不错的选择。Still, if he could join a team desperate for perimeter shooting, say the Jazz or 76ers, Gordon should be a decent option for fantasy owners.

可是,倘若你的床伴超过了四个,你还不管不顾的冲着独角兽大献殷勤--你绝对会被这些漂亮家伙一角顶飞的。However, if you've had more than four partners and you so much as wave to a unicorn, the beautiful creature will gore you with its deadly horn.

尽管如此,我决不会不管不顾这个国家的人民和他们给予我的信任,因此,我只会为了工作来持续露面。Still, I would never walk away from the people of this country and the trust they ve placed in me, so I'm just going to keep showing up for work.

自以为是的态度或测试时对犬主不管不顾,当然会导致犬只或犬主的敌意。A self-righteous attitude or conducting the test without concerns for the owner will most certainly meet the dog or the owner with hostility and rightfully so.

内心如菩提般明净,不沾俗世尘埃,在情爱之初,便知必会分离,爱时不管不顾、情真意切,别时寂静从容。As a pure Bodhi Heart, do not touch the earthly dust, in love at the beginning, that will separate, love, don't be careless with genuine and sincere, silent quiet.

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但解决这种问题总好过为一个利用国际资助和同情敛财,中饱私囊,对本国人民是死是活不管不顾的政府“输血”。But tackling these issues is better than continuing to fund ineffectual governments whose interests are unaligned with those of international donors and their people.

还有一种人把最起码的绘画基本功不管不顾,把传统看的一文不值,一路狂奔,成了十足的疯子。There is also a sort of people, they ignore basic skills of painting and regard tradition worthless. On the painting creation way wildly rush and become an utterly lunatic.

子睿见状,上去就拖了她,一把攥了她乱舞的手臂不管不顾地将她的外衣脱了下来。The son Rui sees a form and go up and then dragged along her, a Zuan she dances indiscriminately of the arm ignores regardless of ground of will she of the jacket took off down.