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恪守多哈的时间表。Keep to the Doha timetable.

他一向恪守诺言。He has always abided by his promises.

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父亲的虔诚使他在另一些方面恪守教规。My father’s piety made him strict in other ways.

首先,我们不能闯红灯,恪守交通秩序。First, we can't red light, abide by traffic order.

英方将恪守一个中国政策。Britain will strictly abide by the one-China policy.

中华民族是一个重友谊、讲感情、恪守承诺的民族。The Chinese nation values friendship and keeps its word.

当然,恪守这些守则不至于让你变成一个神经兮兮、疑心重重的人。And they won’t make you into a nervous or suspicious person.

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忠诚敬业、恪守职业道德。The loyalty is respect-work, carefully obey occupation morals.

关于测验自己必然恪守黉舍地规则。About have an exam, I definitely observe the school regulation.

这些讲究实用的市长们以恪守“效果至上”为荣。The pragmatist mayors pride themselves on being result-oriented.

在传统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。In a traditional Chinese family filial piety is rigidly observed.

威玛人将严格恪守ISO9001制造标准来制造我们的产品。We Wemar will produce our products in tintense strict of ISO9001.

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我们所恪守的典型的英国式保守已经发生了很大的变化。What we take as typical British reserve has been significantly eroded.

撸一夜视频恪守与任何非法内容采取零容忍政策。MeiRi abides by a ZERO TOLERANCE policy relating to any illegal content.

在道统的中国家庭里,人们恪守孝道。People scrupulously abide by filial piety in traditional Chinese family.

斐方今后将继续恪守上述原则。Fiji will continue abiding by the abovementioned principles in the future.

只要我担任统帅,我将继续恪守承诺。And as long as I’m Commander-in-Chief, it’s a promise we’ll keep. Thank you.

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因为我恪守着完美注意,不愿意放任双足变丑。Because I adhere to the perfect note, do not want a laissez-faire ugly feet.

巴菲特恪守着伯克希尔•哈撒威公司不讨论潜在交易的政策。Buffett hews to Berkshire's policy of not discussing potential transactions.

萨摩亚政府将坚定恪守一个中国政策。He reiterated the Samoan government's firm adherence to the one-China policy.