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下水道的污水排入海里。The sewers discharge out at sea.

先将污水泵入污水柜。Pump bilge water into bilge tank.

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请把污水泵出去。Pump out the bilge water, please.

以前这里有个污水池。There used to be dirty pool here.

将含油污水泵入污水舱。Pump the slops into the slop tank.

污水释放量小于这一数值。Sewage release is less than this value.

所有污水都排入这湖中。All the sewage drains off into the lake.

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检查救生艇污水泵并报告。Check bilge pumps of lifeboat and report.

污水包括废水和人类粪便。Sewage includes waste water and human excreta.

从2001年以来,城市污水处理率提高了一倍。Urban sewage treatment has doubled since 2001.

她把深棕色的液体倒进了污水池。She poured the dark brown liquid down the sink.

利用鸟粪石沉淀法可以去除污水中的磷。Phosphorus can be removed by struvite formation.

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乳品厂污水需要经过一定的前处理。And the Pretreatment of the effluent is essential.

用油水分离器来处理含油污水。Process oily water through an oily water separator.

这一系列令人扼腕的疾病是由生活污水引起的。The mournful litany of disease is caused by sewage.

南湖周边排污口排放的污水南湖污染的一个主要来源。The outlets sewage is a main point pollution source.

塞好浴缸与水槽的下水口,以免污水倒流。Plug bathtub and sink drains to prevent sewage backup.

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生活污水也被排入三峡水库。The Three Gorges reservoir is also filling with sewage.

但是,如果污水淤渣中含有超标准的重金属元素,它将污染土壤。The sewage sludges can be used as amendments on crop land.

强劲吸水电机同步抽走污水。The strong suction motor can synchronously pump the water.