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这地方太局促了。This place is rather cramped.

他局促地眨着眼睛,脸容苍白,面露惧色。Blinking nervously, he looked pale and scared.

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在老师不断地盘问下,他有些局促不安。Questioned persistently by the teacher, he squirmed.

看到这类文章的时候我经常感到局促。I sometimes cringe when I see these kinds of articles.

在偌大的街面上,显得有些窘迫、局促。The streets in the huge, but seemed rather embarrassed, cramped.

我个人认为够花,生活不要太局促就行!In my opinion, it is ok just it is enough and life is not that tough.

“要是谁想喝点儿什么的话,我这里只有安素,”大家也跟着局促地笑了笑。“All I got is Ensure, if anyone’s drinking.” My team smiled nervously.

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机上的座位比较局促,特别是对“负荷大”或者“XXL”码的乘客来说。Seating is a bit cramped – not well suited for "wide load" or XXL passengers.

束厄局促之咒语的冷却时间由5分改为45秒。The cooldown time for Binding Word has been changed from 5minutes to 45 seconds.

仲裁判决应为究竟了局判决,对双圆均具有束厄局促力。The arbitration prize shall be ultimate and has valid fastening forces to both sides.

汪先生的脸开始发红,客人都局促地注视各自的碗筷。Mr. Wang's face turned scarlet, and the guests all stared uncomfortably at their bowls and chopsticks.

瓷砖选用了米色,浅色有膨胀的效果,不会显得压抑局促。Ceramic tile chose cream-colored, light color has bulgy effect, won't appear depressive and constraint.

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他那狭窄局促的水泥工作室内有一幅圣处女玛丽的画像,还有很多尊满身浴血的耶稣受难塑像。His cramped cement workroom holds an image of the Virgin Mary and a large crucifix with a bloodied Jesus.

出租车上,第一次距离这么近让我们都有些局促,但我还是不禁去牵她的手。The taxi, the first distance so close to us all some congestion, but I can not help but to pull her hand.

没有康妮,克利福便要变成更局促,更不安,更易烦躁,谈话便无生气。Clifford was much more hedgy and nervous, he got cold feet much quicker in Connie's absence, and the talk didn't run.

此外,如同某些空间局促的大学图书馆,这里的标本架是机械式的,利用马达和转盘来驱动。And like in some cramped university libraries, motors and wheels mechanically move the shelves with the turn of a dial.

阴冷阴冷的风吹得树叶儿局促地摇曳起来,在我的窗外,在这一幕一幕的季节离殇里。Cold cold wind a few leaves to swaying cramped up in my window, in this season of scene after scene from the War years.

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很多人不愿使用手机上小小的搜索栏和局促的键盘进行搜索。Many people shyaway from calling up minuscule search bars on their phones and peckingout queries using cramped keyboards.

休息的铺位虽然狭小局促,但设备一流,除非风暴把海水溅进甲板下面。Sleeping bunks are a tight squeeze, but the accommodations are surprisingly cozy unless a storm sloshes water below deck.

这栋公寓还有一间狭小局促的卧室,里面拥挤的塞着一个碗橱,一张桌子,四条椅子,一个高背椅连带一个煤炭炉。The apartment also had a small, cramped living room with a dresser, a table, four chairs, a wing chair, and a coal stove.