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其中一天是昨天,它包含了所有的误会与牵挂,所有的疵点与盲目,所有的怜悯与痛苦。One of these days is Yesterday with all its mistakes and cares

这布我买得便宜,因为上面有个小疵点。I bought the cloth cheap because there is a small defect in it.

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片的缝口牢度和车缝疵点并判断是否接受。Check the strength and defect of stitching, approval accept or not.

表面疵点是影响塑料薄膜品质的主要因素。Surface defect is a key factor for the quality of plastic membrane.

基于局部熵,提出了基于局部熵的CMOS摄像头疵点检测方法。This paper proposes a defect detection of CMOS camera based on local entropy.

在强脑压下,这一疵点开始破裂并引发出血或溢血。Under stress, those weak spots can rupture and lead to hemorrhaging, or bleeding.

实验表明,本文所提出的帘子布疵点识别方法具有良好的识别分类效果。The cord defects identification algorithm which is proposed has the better effect.

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疵点的出现严重地影响了红外摄像器件的成像质量。The imaging quality of infrared imaging devices is severely effected by the defects.

探讨了应用图像处理技术对织物疵点进行分割表征。With image processing technique, the defect segmentation and characterizing are discussed.

在CMOS摄像头数字图像性能检测系统中,疵点检测是关键内容。In the digital image performance testing system of CMOS camera, defect detection is crucial.

目前国内针对塑料薄膜表面的疵点检测基本上还是由人工视觉完成。At present, the defect inspection of the pellicle is basically done by human vision in China.

在纺织品生产中,织物疵点检测是质量控制的一个重要环节。In the whole process of fabric manufacturing, fabric defects detection is an important procedure.

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与原有的摄像头疵点检测方法进行比较,局部熵方法是一种自适应的疵点检测方法。Compared to the former method of defect detection on the camera, the local entropy method is adaptive.

磨辊互相交叉,轴向游动,可减少纵向条状疵点。Sueding rollers cross reciprocally and move in the axial direction to minimize the lengthwise streaky.

减少绢丝表面疵点是绢纺行业质量管理工作的主攻目标。It is shown that to diminish the apparent defects on spun silk yarn is a priority in waste silk spinning.

最后,介绍了感知器神经网络的特点,提出运用单层感知器网络进行帘子布疵点检测。Finally, the theory of perceptron neural network is introduced and applied to cord defects identification.

通过实例得出该套算法适用范围广,可高速准确地自动提取织物疵点轮廓。At last, examples prove that this algorithm can accomplish extraction of fabric defect silhouette preferably.

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本文将机器视觉与数字图像处理技术引入到织物疵点检测中,提出了一种织物疵点检测算法——图像距离差算法。A method of fabric defect detection based on double-deck orthonormal wavelets has been developed in this paper.

阐述了织物疵点自动检测工业视觉系统的软、硬件设计方案。Software and hardware design of this fabric defects automatic detecting industrial vision system are expatiated.

首先是检测系统的硬件平台搭建,然后是帘子布疵点自动检测。First we introduce to build hardware platform of the detection system, and then is the defects automatic detection.