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看不好车报销路费管饭!Not good for money meals!

那满地的榆钱是此行留下的路费吗?Atriplex spilled toll left of this line it?

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你在这里找路费事吗?Did you have any trouble finding your way here?

旅行费用为2,500英镑,包括所有路费和食宿费。The hike costs£2,500 including all flights and accommodation.

就不能把路费给它,让它自己从收费公路上过来吗?Can't you just stick it on the turnpike and give it money for tolls ?

“每个人都得走这条路,因为别的路费实在太贵了”,李司机感叹道。"Everybody has to use this road as the other is too expensive," Li moaned.

想去太空旅行,又没钱付路费?或许有别的办法。Pining for trip to space, but can't afford the ride? There is another option.

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因此,在离开学校之后,我积攒够了去肯尼亚奈落比的路费。Therefore, after leaving school, I saved up the fare and went to Nairobi, Kenya.

由于缺少路费,又没有吃的,她就到雍门唱歌筹钱。Because of her travelling expenses and lack of food, she came to the gate to sing for money.

“每个人都得走这条路,因为别的路费实在太贵了”,李司机感叹道。“这本是不该收钱的”。"Everybody has to use this road as the other is too expensive," Li moaned. "It should be free."

在自己的逃跑计划中,他打算逃到墨西哥边境,然后将这把电椅出售挣点“路费”。In his scheme, he fled to flee to the Mexican border, and will make the electric chair "travel" sale.

另我们提供接送的服务,但因油费实在太贵,我们会适量受一些路费。We also provide shuttle service, but because the cost of oil is too expensive, we will apply some money.

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于是,大家给韩娥凑足了路费,送她上路,但是韩娥动听的歌声久久留在那里。Although they have sent her away, the beautiful sound of her voice still remained with them for a long time.

这样走,一可以节省路费,二不受汽车班点的限制,很适合我这样喜好冒险的旅行家。Seems a perfect option for an adventurous traveler like me. But it's also dangerous to take the north route.

这样可以防止你即兴购买,也可以帮你省下因为遗忘而忘返商店重新购买的路费。This will prevent you from making impulse purchase, and help you to avoid return trips to the store because you forgot an item.

于是天使给他银两作路费,男人很高兴,天使在他身上感受到幸福的味道。Thus the angel gave him money as travelling expenses, the man was very glad. The angel felt the taste of happiness from this man.

此外,高晶还要回天津上课,这就意味着她每月至少还要花费500元的路费。Gao must also continue attending her classes in Tianjin, meaning she has to pay at least 500 yuan per month in transportation fees.

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在有些情况下,那些想退出计划的学生无法给家里打电话或支付回家的路费。In some instances, those who wished to quit the program had no way of telephoning their families or paying for transportation home.

外方参会人员除特邀代表外,其他人员往返路费及食宿费一律自理。Other than invited representatives of foreign participants, the others shall bear their own travel expenses and accommodation costs.

结果不到一年,他的三十万就花光了,当他的三十万都散尽的时候,李白还拿什么作为路费来漫游呢?As a consequence, he spent 300 thousands in 1 year, when he spent all of his money, what did Li used to pay his fees for travelling around?