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我们不再在产业革命。We are no longer in the Industrial Revolution.

习惯上,这种转变被称为“产业革命”。This transformation is customarily called the Industrial Revolution.

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产业革命之后,养老问题从家庭走向社会。Industrial revolution, the pension problem from the family to society.

在这次产业革命的洗礼中,将产生新一代的杜邦、洛克菲勒!Favored by the industrial revolution, new generation of DuPont and Rockefeller will appear.

苹果已先后发起一项又一项产业革命,现在则希望同时进行三项变革。It has revolutionised one industry after another. Now Apple hopes to transform three at once.

这个时候就需要新动能异军突起,来适应产业革命的趋势。Hence, we need the boom of new growth drivers to accommodate the need of industrial revolution.

已经有很多迹象表明中国的快速发展已接近中国产业革命的极限。Already, there are signs that China is bumping up against the limits of its industrial revolution.

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知识经济的来临,意味着的新一轮产业革命的浪潮已经袭来。The advent of the knowledge-based economy means that the new wave of industrial revolution has been a hit.

她曾经是世界最繁忙的港口,所输出的煤炭助推了产业革命。It was once one of the busiest ports in the world, exporting the coal which fuelled the industrial revolution.

资本主义近代化的主体是资本主义工业化,而资本主义工业化的核心则是产业革命。The principal part of capitalistic modernization is its industrialization, the core of which is the Industrial Revolution.

那么,这会是继包产到户之后的农村的新一次产业革命吗?。So, is this meeting afterwards of the country after fixing of farm output quotas for each household new industry revolution?

同时,由于产业革命,大规模生产普遍提高了人们的生活水平。At the same time, the standard of living was raised everywhere as a result of the Industrial Revolution by the introduction of mass production.

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第三大历史使命是提升人类智慧,掀起一场大脑革命,并最终催生以生物技术为代表的新的产业革命。The third history mission is to promote the human intelligence, cause a brain revolution and push a new industrial revolution regarding biotech as deputy.

钱学森从第六次产业革命和“大农业”的宏观视野出发,创建了知识密集型沙产业理论。From macro-horizon of the sixth industrial revolution and the macro-agriculture, Qian Xue-sen founded the knowledge-intensive theory of the deserticulture.

的确,英国曾经是“产业革命”的诞生地、号称“世界的制造车间”、殖民地遍布全球的雄伟帝国。Britain was, of course, the birthplace of the industrial revolution, "the workshop of the world" and an imperial power whose colonies stretched around the globe.

当今,规模空前的信息化浪潮正在全球兴起,并从一场技术革命引发为一场产业革命,将人类带入了知识经济的新时代。Today, the large-scale information-based wave tide is rising in the world unexpectedly, and it has becoming an industrial revolution from a technique revolution.

即使只有一部门的碳被开释出来,可能也比我们从产业革命开始开释出来的所有温室气体还要多。If even a fraction of the carbon is released, it could be greater than all the greenhouse gases we have released to since the beginning of the industrial revolution.

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中国和德国之间的农业经济交流,是自世界第二次产业革命以来两国关系的重要组成部分,也是还在快速发展的经济现象。Sino-German Agricultural Communication, as the important section of relations between the two countries since the second industrial revolution, is developing rapidly.

盖茨先生和提莫先生都尖锐的指出,很少有国家能在完成农业革命前很好的开展产业革命。Few countries have ever enjoyed an industrial revolution without first undergoing a revolution in agriculture , a point both mr gates and mr timmer are keen to stress.

盖茨先生和提莫先生都尖锐的指出,很少有国家能在完成农业革命前很好的开展产业革命。Few countries have ever enjoyed an industrial revolution without first undergoing a revolution in agriculture, a po-int both Mr Gates and Mr Timmer are keen to stress.