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你已经做了你力所能及的。You have done what you could.

当时,他确实觉得这是他力所能及的。He then really thought himself equal to it.

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“我们做了力所能及的事情。”天顶星人告诉他。"We do what we can, " the Zentraedi told him.

减少环境污染,力所能及,从我做起。Help cut down on environmental waste in whatever way you can

每一名学生都应该勤于学习,争取力所能及的教育水平。Every student must be keen to learn and go as far as you can.

他们最了解自己,他们在探寻力所能及的可能。At their most self-aware, they probe the edges of the possible.

在这样艰难的时期,年轻人需要所有力所能及的帮助。In these tough times, young people need all the help they can get.

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我都试着让自己尽可能地取得更多的成功,完成我力所能及的。I managed to succeed as much as I can and accomplished what I could.

真正自由的人只祈求他力所能及的和做其所乐做的。The truly free man wants only what he can do and does what he pleases.

中国使馆将一如既往的提供力所能及的支持。The Chinese embassy will continue to provide the best possible support.

估量一下自己力所能及的程度,大喝一声,再来一次。Approximate the movement to the degree you can without pain. Exhale. Try again.

但是,至少有必要在这个世纪里做点力所能及的事情。But there needs to be at least cameo visibility for this model in this century.

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这使得监控解决方案在开发和测试团队力所能及的范围之内。That makes monitoring solutions within the reach of development and test teams.

我们认为该项目只承担了力所能及的义务。We believe that the subject only undertakes commitments which can be fulfilled.

尊老爱幼,尽可能的向别人提供力所能及的帮助。Respect the old and love the young, offer help and kindness as much as possible.

在5个小时里你做你力所能及的事,换句话说,就是将其余的工作放任自流。You do what you can in 5 hours, turn it in, and let the rest take care of itself.

与其天天浑浑噩噩地活着,你还不如为社会做点儿力所能及的事。Rather than muddle along every day, you do something within your ability for society.

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这次在日本发生的灾难让人心痛,我想做些力所能及的事情来帮助他们。The disaster in Japan is beyond heartbreaking and I want to do anything I can to help.

中方将继续在力所能及的范围内向巴新提供援助。China will continue to offer Papua New Guinea assistance within its available resources.

只要我们一次次地做好我们力所能及的小事,就会得到大的回报。Agian and again, we see that by doing little things within our well, large rewards follow.